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more general categories information about this item 04. Bioactive Capabilities of Specific Chemicals 04. Bioactive Capabilities of Specific Chemicals Oxidoreductases [EC:1] (1697) Acting on a peroxide as acceptor [EC:1.11] (28) Peroxidases [EC:1.11.1] (26) Iodide peroxidase [EC:] (5) diiodine [CHEBI:17606] (1) 08. Chemical Category 08. Chemical Category elemental molecular entity [CHEBI:33259] (221) elemental halogen [CHEBI:33434] (24) elemental iodine [CHEBI:36893] (6) diatomic iodine [CHEBI:36891] (3) diiodine [CHEBI:17606] (1) ChEBI Compound Accession Identifier: [CHEBI:17606] ChEBI Compound Description: Molecule comprising two covalently bonded iodine atoms. ChEBI Compound Identification Number: 17606 ChEBI InChI Value: InChI=1S/I2/c1-2 ChEBI InChIKey Value: PNDPGZBMCMUPRI-UHFFFAOYSA-N ChEBI Compound Name: diiodine ChEBI SMILES Value: II ChEBI Substance ID: 8144592 ChEBI URL: ChEBI:17606 ChemSpider ID: NS Ontomatica Chemical Accession Key (OnChAKey): PNDPGZBMCMUPRI_UHFFFAOYSA_N_000_000000 PubChem Compound ID: 807