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Refine your search within these categories:
01. Food Nutrient & Dietary Chemicals
02. Food Pesticide Chemicals with Regulated Residues on Food Commodities
03. Biological Effects of Specific Chemicals
(group results)
aetiopathogenetic uses [CHEBI:52209]
antimicrobial agent [CHEBI:33281]
biochemical uses [CHEBI:52206]
pharmacological uses [CHEBI:52210]
physiological uses [CHEBI:52211]
04. Bioactive Capabilities of Specific Chemicals
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Hydrolases [EC:3]
Transferases [EC:2]
05. Industrial Uses
(group results)
indicator [CHEBI:47867]
pharmaceutical [CHEBI:52217]
06. Name of Biological Source of Chemical
07. Part of Biological Source of Chemical
08. Chemical Category
polyatomic entity [CHEBI:36357]
molecule [CHEBI:25367]
cyclic compound [CHEBI:33595]
organic cyclic compound [CHEBI:33832]
organic aromatic compound [CHEBI:33659]
heteroarene [CHEBI:33833]
nucleobase-containing molecular entity [CHEBI:61120]
nucleoside phosphate [CHEBI:25608]
nucleotide [CHEBI:36976]
mononucleotide [CHEBI:29075]
nucleoside 2'-phosphate [CHEBI:53010]
nucleoside 3'-phosphate [CHEBI:16492]
nucleoside 5'-phosphate [CHEBI:16701]
09. Chemical Capabilities
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08. Chemical Category
polyatomic entity [CHEBI:36357]
molecule [CHEBI:25367]
cyclic compound [CHEBI:33595]
organic cyclic compound [CHEBI:33832]
organic aromatic compound [CHEBI:33659]
heteroarene [CHEBI:33833]
nucleobase-containing molecular entity [CHEBI:61120]
nucleoside phosphate [CHEBI:25608]
nucleotide [CHEBI:36976]
mononucleotide [CHEBI:29075]
117 items, grouped by
08. Chemical Category
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nucleoside 2'-phosphate [CHEBI:53010]
uridine 2'-phosphate
adenosine 2'-phosphate
cytidine 2'-phosphate
nucleoside 3'-phosphate [CHEBI:16492]
guanosine 3'-monophosphate
thymidine 3'-monophosphate
all 7 items...
nucleoside 5'-phosphate [CHEBI:16701]
all 107 items...