more general categories
information about this item
02. Food Pesticide Chemicals with Regulated Residues on Food Commodities
02. Food Pesticide Chemicals with Regulated Residues on Food Commodities
Egg (37)
Cattle, fat (61)
Cattle, meat (59)
Cattle, meat byproducts (57)
Goat, fat (57)
Goat, meat (56)
Goat, meat byproducts (55)
Hog, fat (44)
Hog, meat (42)
Hog, meat byproducts (41)
Horse, fat (57)
Horse, meat byproducts (55)
Milk, fat (24)
Poultry, fat (34)
Poultry, meat (32)
Poultry, meat byproducts (32)
Sheep, fat (57)
Sheep, meat (56)
Sheep, meat byproducts (55)
Asparagus (23)
Avocado (23)
Fig (12)
Mango (18)
Papaya (20)
Peanut (30)
Pineapple (16)
Watercress (7)
Carrot, root (11)
Radish, root (6)
Sugar beet, root (20)
Sugar beet, root (20)
Carrot, root (11)
Horseradish (3)
Radish, root (6)
Rutabaga, root (5)
Salsify, root (2)
Turnip, root (12)
Carrot, root (11)
Radish, root (6)
Carrot, root (11)
Horseradish (3)
Radish, root (6)
Rutabaga, root (5)
Salsify, root (2)
Turnip, root (12)
Potato (33)
Chayote, root (2)
Potato (33)
Sweet potato, root (8)
Sweet potato, root (8)
Chayote, root (2)
Sweet potato, root (8)
Sugar beet, leaves (19)
Sugar beet, leaves (19)
Onion, green (10)
Garlic, bulb (3)
Leek (3)
Onion, bulb (12)
Garlic, bulb (3)
Onion, bulb (12)
Shallot, bulb (2)
Onion, green (10)
Leek (3)
Onion, green (10)
Cultivars, Varieties, and/or Hybrids of Crop Group 04 : Leafy Vegetables (except Brassica Vegetables) Group (21)
Cultivars, Varieties, and/or Hybrids of Crop Group 05 : Brassica (Cole) Leafy Vegetables Group (11)
Pea (5)
Bean, succulent (18)
Tomato (20)
Eggplant (8)
Pepper (15)
Tomato (20)
Tomato (20)
Eggplant (8)
Okra (17)
Eggplant (8)
Okra (17)
Cucumber (12)
Pumpkin (8)
Squash, winter (7)
Lemon (10)
Grapefruit (10)
Kumquat (1)
Lemon (10)
Lime (2)
Orange (7)
Tangerine (7)
Lemon (10)
Lime (2)
Grapefruit (10)
Orange (7)
Tangerine (7)
Lemon (10)
Lime (2)
Kumquat (1)
Grapefruit (10)
Grapefruit (10)
Apple (37)
Pear (21)
Apple (37)
Pear (21)
Quince (2)
Apple (37)
Pear (21)
Apple (37)
Pear (21)
Quince (2)
Peach (26)
Plum (7)
Apricot (11)
Nectarine (14)
Peach (26)
Plum (7)
Peach (26)
Peach (26)
Nectarine (14)
Plum (7)
Prune plum (18)
Apricot (11)
Plum (7)
Prune plum (18)
Blackberry (5)
Raspberry (7)
Loganberry (4)
Boysenberry (4)
Dewberry (2)
Blueberry, highbush & lowbush (15)
Currant (5)
Gooseberry (4)
Blackberry (5)
Loganberry (4)
Gooseberry (4)
Grape (40)
Gooseberry (4)
Grape (40)
Gooseberry (4)
Grape (40)
Gooseberry (4)
Grape (40)
Strawberry (23)
Cranberry (27)
Strawberry (23)
Cranberry (27)
Cranberry (27)
Almond (46)
Pecan (13)
Almond (46)
Chestnut (3)
Pecan (13)
Almond (46)
Pecan (13)
Almond (46)
Chestnut (3)
Pecan (13)
Rice, grain (19)
Sorghum, grain (28)
Wheat, grain (22)
Barley, grain (18)
Rice, grain (19)
Rye, grain (5)
Wheat, grain (22)
Wheat, forage (23)
Wheat, straw (24)
Oat, forage (13)
Rye, forage (8)
Wheat, forage (23)
Barley, straw (16)
Oat, straw (14)
Rye, straw (8)
Wheat, straw (24)
Cultivars, Varieties, and/or Hybrids of Crop Group 17 : Grass Forage, Fodder & Hay Group (26)
Clover, forage (7)
Cowpea, forage (5)
Soybean, forage (17)
Trefoil, forage (3)
Clover, hay (7)
Cowpea, hay (6)
Lespedeza, hay (1)
Peanut, hay (19)
Soybean, hay (17)
Trefoil, hay (3)
Vetch, hay (2)
Alfalfa (21)
Clover, forage (7)
Trefoil, forage (3)
Clover, hay (7)
Lespedeza, hay (1)
Trefoil, hay (3)
Vetch, hay (2)
Sunflower, seed (16)
03. Biological Effects of Specific Chemicals
03. Biological Effects of Specific Chemicals
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
05. Industrial Uses
05. Industrial Uses
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
08. Chemical Category
08. Chemical Category
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
malathion [CHEBI:6651] (1)
ChEBI Compound Accession Identifier :
ChEBI Compound Description :
ChEBI Compound Identification Number :
ChEBI InChI Value :
ChEBI InChIKey Value :
ChEBI Compound Name :
ChEBI Substance ID :
ChemSpider ID :
Ontomatica Chemical Accession Key (OnChAKey) :
PubChem Compound ID :