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more general categories information about this item 14. Sensory Science 14. Sensory Science Sensory Science (12) Haptic Perception (1) description: Ontomatica's Haptic Perception Data Application integrates relevant ontology rules (items, properties, relationships and constraints) with relevant data sets. The Haptic Perception Data Application is used to specify characteristics when touching an ingredient, beverage or food. Background: Haptic perception literally denominates "to grasp something". Perception in this case is achieved through active exploration of surfaces and objects by a moving subject as opposed to passive contact of a static subject during tactile perception. The term Haptik was coined by the German Psychologist Max Dessoir who suggested in 1892 to name the academic research about the sense of touch in the style of "acoustics" and "optics". Gibson (1966) defined the haptic system as "The sensibility of the individual to the world adjacent to his body by use of his body". Gibson and others further emphasized what Weber had realized in 1851 - the close link between haptic perception and body movement: haptic perception is active exploration. The concept of haptic perception is related to the concept of extended physiological proprioception according to which, when using a tool such as a stick, perceptual experience is transparently transferred to the end of the tool. Haptic perception relies on the forces experienced during touch. This research allows the creation of "virtual", illusory haptic shapes with different perceived qualities which has clear application in haptic technology.