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Food Contaminant

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16. Product Safety: Product Safety > Food Contaminant

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16. Product Safety 
16. Product Safety
 Product Safety (17) 
 Food Contaminant (1)
description  Ontomatica's Food Contaminant Data Application integrates relevant ontology rules (items, properties, relationships and constraints) with relevant data sets. The Food Contaminant Data Application is used to specify actions to minimize contamination in a food product. Background: Food contamination refers to the presence in food of harmful chemicals and microorganisms which can cause consumer illness. This article addresses the chemical contamination of foods, as opposed to microbiological contamination, which can be found under foodborne illness. The impact of chemical contaminants on consumer health and well-being is often apparent only after many years of processing. Prolonged exposure at low levels (e.g., cancer). Chemical contaminants present in foods are often unaffected by thermal processing (unlike most microbiological agents). Chemical contaminants can be classified according to the source of contamination and the mechanism by which they enter the food product.