more general categories |
information about this item |
A. Regulatory Category |
A. Regulatory Category |
Semisoft Cheese (US CFR) (1) |
B. Identifying Substance |
B. Identifying Substance |
Cow (22) |
C. Part of Substance |
C. Part of Substance |
Curd (6) |
E. Physical State, Shape or Form |
E. Physical State, Shape or Form |
Solid (154) |
F. Extent of Heat Treatment |
F. Extent of Heat Treatment |
Extent Of Heat Treatment Not Known (29) |
G. Cooking Method |
G. Cooking Method |
Cooking Method Not Applicable (139) |
H. Treatment Applied |
H. Treatment Applied |
Cured Or Aged (17) |
Interior Mold Cured (1) |
J. Preservation Method |
J. Preservation Method |
Preservation Method Not Known (144) |
K. Packing Medium |
K. Packing Medium |
No Packing Medium Used (208) |
M. Container or Wrapping |
M. Container or Wrapping |
Container Or Wrapping Not Known (197) |
N. Contact Surface |
N. Contact Surface |
Food Contact Surface Not Known (214) |
P. Consumer Group/Dietary Use/Label Claim |
P. Consumer Group/Dietary Use/Label Claim |
Human Food, No Age Specification (222) |
S. Substances Included |
S. Substances Included |
Ash (135) |
Carbohydrates (123) |
Energy, gross (140) |
Protein (133) |
Water (138) |
Sugars, total (98) |
Fat, total (131) |
Saturated fat, total (131) |
Fatty acid 16:1 (93) |
Fatty acid 18:1 (octadecenoic acid) (129) |
(129) |
Fatty acid 18:2 (131) |
Fatty acid 18:3 (121) |
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated (131) |
Fatty acid 10:0 (capric acid) (36) |
Fatty acid 12:0 (lauric acid) (54) |
Fatty acid 14:0 (myristic acid) (85) |
Fatty acid 16:0 (palmitic acid) (131) |
Fatty acid 18:0 (stearic acid) (123) |
Fatty acid 4:0 (butyric acid) (20) |
Fatty acid 6:0 (caproic acid) (19) |
Fatty acid 8:0 (caprylic acid) (29) |
Cholesterol (50) |
Calcium (137) |
Iron, total (138) |
Magnesium (134) |
Phosphorus (136) |
Potassium (138) |
Sodium (132) |
Copper (132) |
Manganese (131) |
Selenium, total (129) |
Zinc (135) |
Vitamin A; from retinol, carotenoid (84) |
Beta-carotene, total (71) |
Retinol (39) |
Cholecalciferol (25) |
(33) |
Alpha-tocopherol (106) |
Vitamin K-1 (89) |
Folate, DFE (123) |
Folate, food (123) |
Folate, total (124) |
Choline (113) |
Niacin equivalents, total (134) |
Pantothenic acid (126) |
Riboflavin (135) |
Thiamin (134) |
Vitamin B-12 (54) |
Vitamin B-6, total (130) |
Alanine (112) |
Arginine (110) |
Aspartic acid (112) |
Cystine (109) |
Glutamic acid (113) |
Glycine (112) |
Histidine (111) |
Isoleucine (111) |
Leucine (111) |
Lysine (111) |
Methionine (111) |
Phenylalanine (111) |
Proline (112) |
Serine (111) |
Threonine (111) |
Tryptophan (110) |
Tyrosine (111) |
Valine (111) |