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Shinya Yamanaka
Encyclopedia Britannica

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15. Place of Birth: Asia > Asia, northeast

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10. Noble Prize 
10. Noble Prize
 Physiology or Medicine (216)
11. Award Year 
11. Award Year
 2010s (106) 
 2012 (10)
12. Winner Type 
12. Winner Type
 Person (904)
13. Gender 
13. Gender
 Male (853)
14. Birth Year 
14. Birth Year
 1960s (12) 
 1962 (3)
15. Place of Birth 
15. Place of Birth
 Asia (96) 
 Asia, northeast (41) 
 Japan (26) 
 Higashiōsaka (1)
18. Living Winners 
18. Living Winners
 Alive (292)
19. Given Name 
19. Given Name
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 S (39)
20. Family Name 
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23. Religion 
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 z-Missing value reason (465) 
 Source data not available (465)
24. Age at Award Time 
24. Age at Award Time
 50 - 59 (231) 
 51 (21)
32. Occupations 
32. Occupations
 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations (601) 
 Life Scientists (181) 
 Biological Scientists (181)
33. Ethnic Origins 
33. Ethnic Origins
 Asia (244) 
 Asia, northeast (38) 
 Japan (27)
34. Citizens 
34. Citizens
 Asia (83) 
 Asia, northeast (31) 
 Japan (24)
37. Worked for College or University 
37. Worked for College or University
 Asia (32) 
 Asia, northeast (16) 
 Japan (14) 
 Kyoto (4) 
 Kyoto University (4)
39. Worked for Medical Organization 
39. Worked for Medical Organization
 North America (25) 
 United States (25) 
 Western states (9) 
 California (6) 
 San Francisco (1) 
 Gladstone Institutes (1)
42. Affilliation with College or University 
42. Affilliation with College or University
 Asia (71) 
 Asia, northeast (34) 
 Japan (33) 
 Kyoto (18) 
 Kyoto University (18) 
 Long-term academic staff (5)
 North America (529) 
 United States (521) 
 Western states (262) 
 California (253) 
 University of California (159) 
 San Francisco (9) 
 University of California, San Francisco (9) 
 Long-term academic staff (6)
 Short-term academic staff (5)
44. Memberships 
44. Memberships
 E-P (571) 
 F (89) 
 French Academy of Sciences (89)
 J (15) 
 Japan Academy (15)
 N (352) 
 National Academy of Sciences (334)
 P (109) 
 Pontifical Academy of Sciences (83)
45. Other Awards 
45. Other Awards
 A-B (362) 
 A (285) 
 Albany Medical Center Prize (6)
 Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research (84)
 Asahi Prize (16)
 B (132) 
 Balzan Prize (7)
 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award (7)
 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences (3)
 G-H (389) 
 G (254) 
 Gairdner Foundation International Award (89)
 I-J (268) 
 I (80) 
 Imperial Prize of the Japan Academy (4)
 K-L (297) 
 K (173) 
 King Faisal International Prize in Medicine (7)
 M-N (333) 
 M (172) 
 March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology (5)
 Massry Prize (16)
 Millennium Technology Prize (3)
 O-P (364) 
 O (205) 
 Order of Culture (24)
 P (242) 
 Person of Cultural Merit (22)
 Q-Z (398) 
 R (196) 
 Robert Koch Prize (11)
 Rosenstiel Award (36)
complete name  Shinya Yamanaka
nobel prize  medicine
award year  2012
together with  John Gurdon
prize share  Prize share: 1/2
rational  The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012 was awarded jointly to Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka "for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent."
biography  Biography
laureate facts  Facts
laureate lecture  Lecture
given name  Shinya
family name  Yamanaka
occupation  physician
occupation  professor
occupation  surgeon
occupation  biologist
field of work  medicine
work location  Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
description  Shinya Yamanaka is a Japanese Nobel Prize-winning stem cell researcher. He serves as the director of Center for iPS Cell (induced Pluripotent Stem Cell) Research and Application and a professor at the Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences at Kyoto University; as a senior investigator at the UCSF-affiliated J. David Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco, California; and as a professor of anatomy at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Yamanaka is also a past president of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR). He received the 2010 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biomedicine category. Also he received the Wolf Prize in Medicine in 2011 with Rudolf Jaenisch; the Millennium Technology Prize in 2012 together with Linus Torvalds. In 2012 he and John Gurdon were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the discovery that mature cells can be converted to stem cells. In 2013 he was awarded the $3 million Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences for his work.
pronunciation  (山中 伸弥 Yamanaka Shin'ya)
image copyright  © The Nobel Foundation. Photo: U. Montan
image citation  The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012. Nobel Media AB 2018. <>
date birth  1962
usual name  Shinya Yamanaka