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10. Noble Prize (group results)

11. Award Year (group results)

12. Winner Type (group results)

13. Gender (group results)

14. Birth Year (group results)

15. Place of Birth: all > Europe

16. Death Year (group results)

17. Place of Death (group results)

18. Living Winners

19. Given Name (group results)

20. Family Name (group results)

21. Shared Given Name: all > E-K > E > Emil

22. Shared Family Name (group results)

23. Religion (group results)

24. Age at Award Time (group results)

25. Winner - Two Awards

26. Winner - Three Awards

27. Married Couple Winners

28. Mother - Daughter Winners

29. Father - Daughter Winners

30. Father - Son Winners

31. Brother Winners

32. Occupations (group results)

33. Ethnic Origins

34. Citizens: all > Europe (group results)

35. Worked for Government

36. Government Status at Award Time

37. Worked for College or University: all > Europe (group results)

38. Worked for Corporation

39. Worked for Medical Organization

40. Worked for Non Govenment Organization

41. Worked for Project-funded Organization

42. Affilliation with College or University (group results)

43. Affilliation with Secondary School

44. Memberships: all > A-D (group results)

45. Other Awards (group results)

46. Carnegie Hall Performer

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15. Place of Birth: Europe
21. Shared Given Name: E-K > E > Emil
34. Citizens: Europe
37. Worked for College or University: Europe
44. Memberships: A-D

2 items, grouped by 15. Place of Birth (view ungrouped items)

Europe, central (1)   

Hermann Fischer

Europe, eastern (1)   

Emil von Behring