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more general categories information about this item 10. Noble Prize 10. Noble Prize Economics (81) 11. Award Year 11. Award Year 1970s (104) 1978 (11) 12. Winner Type 12. Winner Type Person (904) 13. Gender 13. Gender Male (853) 14. Birth Year 14. Birth Year 1910s (117) 1916 (11) 15. Place of Birth 15. Place of Birth North America (290) United States (268) Midwestern states (70) Wisconsin (7) Milwaukee (3) 16. Death Year 16. Death Year 2000s (70) 2001 (5) 17. Place of Death 17. Place of Death North America (223) United States (214) Middle Atlantic states (25) Pennsylvania (4) Pittsburgh (1) 19. Given Name 19. Given Name E-K (339) H (52) 20. Family Name 20. Family Name S-Z (212) S (103) 21. Shared Given Name 21. Shared Given Name E-K (229) H (38) Herbert (5) 22. Shared Family Name 22. Shared Family Name S-Z (21) S (9) Simon (2) 23. Religion 23. Religion Irreligion group (86) Atheism (75) 24. Age at Award Time 24. Age at Award Time 60 - 69 (252) 63 (25) 32. Occupations 32. Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations (601) Social Scientists and Related Workers (87) Economists (76) 33. Ethnic Origins 33. Ethnic Origins Asia (244) Middle East (197) Israel (197) 34. Citizens 34. Citizens North America (328) United States (307) 37. Worked for College or University 37. Worked for College or University North America (309) United States (303) Middle Atlantic states (33) Pennsylvania (7) Pittsburgh (3) Carnegie Mellon University (3) 42. Affilliation with College or University 42. Affilliation with College or University North America (529) United States (521) Middle Atlantic states (178) Pennsylvania (56) Pittsburgh (25) Carnegie Mellon University (20) Long-term academic staff (11) Midwestern states (201) Illinois (131) Chicago (107) University of Chicago (97) Alumni (34) Western states (262) California (253) University of California (159) Berkeley (107) University of California, Berkeley (107) Short-term academic staff (51) 44. Memberships 44. Memberships A-D (656) A (635) American Academy of Arts and Sciences (531) E-P (571) N (352) National Academy of Sciences (334) R-T (460) T (12) The World Academy of Sciences (12) 45. Other Awards 45. Other Awards A-B (362) A (285) ACM Fellow (2) APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology (4) APA Award for Lifetime Contributions to Psychology (3) C-D (404) D (194) Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association (41) E-F (439) F (394) Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (2) Fellow of the Econometric Society (72) G-H (389) H (196) Harold Pender Award (5) I-J (268) I (80) IJCAI Award for Research Excellence (1) J (208) John von Neumann Theory Prize (6) Josiah Willard Gibbs Lectureship (13) M-N (333) N (205) National Medal of Science (101) Q-Z (398) T (64) Turing Award (1) W (157) William James Fellow Award (3) William Procter Prize for Scientific Achievement (7) complete name: Herbert Simon nobel prize: economics award year: 1978 prize share: Prize share: 1/1 rational: The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1978 was awarded to Herbert A. Simon "for his pioneering research into the decision-making process within economic organizations." biography: Biography laureate facts: Facts given name: Herbert family name: Simon occupation: computer scientist occupation: politician occupation: economist occupation: university teacher occupation: sociologist work location: Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213-3890, United States of America notable work: Administrative Behavior description: Herbert Simon was an American political scientist, economist, sociologist, psychologist, and computer scientist whose research ranged across the fields of cognitive psychology, cognitive science, computer science, public administration, economics, management, philosophy of science, sociology, and political science, unified by studies of decision-making. With almost a thousand highly cited publications, he was one of the most influential social scientists of the twentieth century. For many years he held the post of Richard King Mellon Professor at Carnegie Mellon University Simon was among the founding fathers of several of today's important scientific domains, including artificial intelligence, information processing, decision-making, problem-solving, organization theory, complex systems, and computer simulation of scientific discovery. He coined the terms bounded rationality and satisficing, and was among the earliest to analyze the architecture of complexity and to propose a preferential attachment mechanism to explain power law distributions. He also received many top-level honors later in life. These include: becoming a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1959; election to the National Academy of Sciences in 1967; APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology (1969);the ACM's Turing Award for making "basic contributions to artificial intelligence, the psychology of human cognition, and list processing" (1975); the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics "for his pioneering research into the decision-making process within economic organizations" (1978); the National Medal of Science (1986); the APA's Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology (1993); ACM fellow (1994); and IJCAI Award for Research Excellence (1995). Simon is currently, as of 2016 the most cited person in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Psychology on Google Scholar. As a testament to his interdisciplinary approach, Simon was affiliated with such varied Carnegie Mellon departments as the School of Computer Science, Tepper School of Business, departments of Philosophy, Social and Decision Sciences, and Psychology. Simon received an honorary Doctor of Political science degree from University of Pavia in 1988 and an honorary Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) degree from Harvard University in 1990. image copyright: Photo from the Nobel Foundation archive. image citation: The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1978. Nobel Media AB 2018. <> date birth: 1916 date death: 2001 usual name: Herbert Simon