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Daniel Bovet
Encyclopedia Britannica

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16. Death Year: 1990s
20. Family Name: A-D > B

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10. Noble Prize 
10. Noble Prize
 Physiology or Medicine (216)
11. Award Year 
11. Award Year
 1950s (72) 
 1957 (6)
12. Winner Type 
12. Winner Type
 Person (904)
13. Gender 
13. Gender
 Male (853)
14. Birth Year 
14. Birth Year
 1900s (92) 
 1907 (7)
15. Place of Birth 
15. Place of Birth
 Europe (459) 
 Europe, western (207) 
 Switzerland (17) 
 Fleurier (2)
16. Death Year 
16. Death Year
 1990s (82) 
 1992 (6)
17. Place of Death 
17. Place of Death
 Europe (331) 
 Europe, southern (27) 
 Italy (14) 
 Rome (5)
19. Given Name 
19. Given Name
 A-D (182) 
 D (34)
20. Family Name 
20. Family Name
 A-D (195) 
 B (80)
21. Shared Given Name 
21. Shared Given Name
 A-D (94) 
 D (19) 
 Daniel (7)
23. Religion 
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 z-Missing value reason (465) 
 Source data not available (465)
24. Age at Award Time 
24. Age at Award Time
 50 - 59 (231) 
 51 (21)
32. Occupations 
32. Occupations
 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations (601) 
 Life Scientists (181) 
 Biological Scientists (181)
33. Ethnic Origins 
33. Ethnic Origins
 Europe (33) 
 Europe, southern (20) 
 Italy (20)
34. Citizens 
34. Citizens
 Europe (450) 
 Europe, southern (30) 
 Italy (18)
42. Affilliation with College or University 
42. Affilliation with College or University
 Europe (535) 
 Europe, southern (24) 
 Italy (15) 
 Rome (12) 
 Sapienza University of Rome (12) 
 Short-term academic staff (3)
 Europe, western (390) 
 Switzerland (65) 
 Geneva (10) 
 University of Geneva (9) 
 Alumni (4)
44. Memberships 
44. Memberships
 A-D (656) 
 A (635) 
 Académie Nationale de Médecine (34)
 American Academy of Arts and Sciences (531)
 E-P (571) 
 F (89) 
 French Academy of Sciences (89)
 R-T (460) 
 R (448) 
 Royal Society (294)
complete name  Daniel Bovet
nobel prize  medicine
award year  1957
prize share  Prize share: 1/1
rational  The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1957 was awarded to Daniel Bovet "for his discoveries relating to synthetic compounds that inhibit the action of certain body substances, and especially their action on the vascular system and the skeletal muscles."
biography  Biography
laureate facts  Facts
laureate lecture  Lecture
given name  Daniel
family name  Bovet
occupation  physician
occupation  pharmacist
occupation  Esperantist
occupation  university teacher
occupation  pharmacologist
occupation  biochemist
occupation  neuroscientist
field of work  histamine antagonist
field of work  sulfonamide
work location  Pasteur Institute, 15th arrondissement of Paris, France
description  Daniel Bovet was a Swiss-born Italian pharmacologist who won the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of drugs that block the actions of specific neurotransmitters. He is best known for his discovery in 1937 of antihistamines, which block the neurotransmitter histamine and are used in allergy medication. His other research included work on chemotherapy, sulfa drugs, the sympathetic nervous system, the pharmacology of curare, and other neuropharmacological interests. In 1965, Bovet led a study team which concluded that smoking of tobacco cigarettes increased users' intelligence. He told The New York Times that the object was not to "create geniuses, but only [to] put the less-endowed individual in a position to reach a satisfactory mental and intellectual development. Bovet was born in Fleurier, Switzerland. He was a native Esperanto speaker. He graduated from the University of Geneva in 1927 and received his doctorate in 1929. Beginning in 1929 until 1947 he worked at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. He then moved in 1947 to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Superior Institute of Health) in Rome. In 1964, he became a professor in at the University of Sassari in Italy. From 1969 to 1971, he was the head of the Psychobiology and Psychopharmacology Laboratory of the National Research Council, in Rome, before stepping down to become a professor at the University of Rome La Sapienza. He retired in 1982.
image copyright  Photo from the Nobel Foundation archive.
image citation  The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1957. Nobel Media AB 2018. <>
date birth  1907
date death  1992
usual name  Daniel Bovet