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more general categories information about this item 10. Noble Prize 10. Noble Prize Physiology or Medicine (216) 11. Award Year 11. Award Year 1920s (54) 1926 (6) 12. Winner Type 12. Winner Type Person (904) 13. Gender 13. Gender Male (853) 14. Birth Year 14. Birth Year 1860s (52) 1867 (6) 15. Place of Birth 15. Place of Birth Europe (459) Europe, Nordic countries (56) Denmark (11) Silkeborg (1) 16. Death Year 16. Death Year 1920s (25) 1928 (4) 17. Place of Death 17. Place of Death Europe (331) Europe, Nordic countries (49) Denmark (10) Copenhagen (9) 19. Given Name 19. Given Name E-K (339) J (95) 20. Family Name 20. Family Name E-K (239) F (33) 21. Shared Given Name 21. Shared Given Name E-K (229) J (80) Johannes (4) 23. Religion 23. Religion z-Missing value reason (465) Source data not available (465) 24. Age at Award Time 24. Age at Award Time 60 - 69 (252) 32. Occupations 32. Occupations Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations (70) Healthcare Diagnosing or Treating Practitioners (69) Physicians (65) 34. Citizens 34. Citizens Europe (450) Europe, Nordic countries (59) Denmark (12) 37. Worked for College or University 37. Worked for College or University Europe (232) Europe, Nordic countries (30) Denmark (8) Copenhagen (6) Copenhagen University (3) 42. Affilliation with College or University 42. Affilliation with College or University Europe (535) Europe, Nordic countries (83) Denmark (39) Copenhagen (39) University of Copenhagen (39) Alumni (12) Long-term academic staff (8) complete name: Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger nobel prize: medicine award year: 1926 prize share: Prize share: 1/1 rational: The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1926 was awarded to Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger "for his discovery of the Spiroptera carcinoma." biography: Biography laureate facts: Facts laureate lecture: Lecture given name: Johannes family name: Fibiger occupation: physician occupation: zoologist occupation: chemist occupation: university teacher occupation: pathologist occupation: bacteriologist occupation: parasitologist work location: University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Municipality, Denmark description: Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger was a Danish scientist, physician, and professor of pathological anatomy who won the 1926 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Fibiger had claimed to find an organism he called Spiroptera carcinoma that caused cancer in mice and rats. He received a Nobel prize for this discovery. Later, it was shown that this specific organism was not the primary cause of the tumors. Moreover, Katsusaburo Yamagiwa, only two years later in 1915 successfully induced squamous cell carcinoma by painting crude coal tar on the inner surface of rabbits' ears. Yamagiwa's work has become the primary basis for this line of research. Because of this, some consider Fibiger's Nobel Prize to be undeserved particularly because Yamagiwa did not receive the prize. Encyclopædia Britannica's guide to Nobel Prizes in cancer research mentions Yamagiwa's work as a milestone without mentioning Fibiger. image copyright: Photo from the Nobel Foundation archive. image citation: The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1926. Nobel Media AB 2018. <> date birth: 1867 date death: 1928 usual name: Johannes Fibiger