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Willard Boyle
Encyclopedia Britannica

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10. Noble Prize: Physics
21. Shared Given Name: S-Z
45. Other Awards: M-N

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more general categories    information about this item
10. Noble Prize 
10. Noble Prize
 Physics (209)
11. Award Year 
11. Award Year
 2000s (123) 
 2009 (13)
12. Winner Type 
12. Winner Type
 Person (904)
13. Gender 
13. Gender
 Male (853)
14. Birth Year 
14. Birth Year
 1920s (114) 
 1924 (10)
15. Place of Birth 
15. Place of Birth
 North America (290) 
 Canada (19) 
 Amherst (1)
16. Death Year 
16. Death Year
 2010s (99) 
 2011 (12)
17. Place of Death 
17. Place of Death
 North America (223) 
 Canada (6) 
 Wallace (1)
19. Given Name 
19. Given Name
 S-Z (143) 
 W (48)
20. Family Name 
20. Family Name
 A-D (195) 
 B (80)
21. Shared Given Name 
21. Shared Given Name
 S-Z (69) 
 W (37) 
 Willard (2)
23. Religion 
23. Religion
 z-Missing value reason (465) 
 Source data not available (465)
24. Age at Award Time 
24. Age at Award Time
 80 - 89 (56) 
 86 (8)
32. Occupations 
32. Occupations
 Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations (601) 
 Physical Scientists (333) 
 Astronomers and Physicists (222) 
 Physicists (206)
34. Citizens 
34. Citizens
 North America (328) 
 Canada (18)
38. Worked for Corporation 
38. Worked for Corporation
 North America (23) 
 United States (23) 
 Middle Atlantic states (9) 
 Bell Labs (7) 
 New Jersey (6) 
 Murray Hill (4)
42. Affilliation with College or University 
42. Affilliation with College or University
 North America (529) 
 Canada (28) 
 Montreal (14) 
 McGill University (14) 
 Alumni (7)
 Short-term academic staff (6)
44. Memberships 
44. Memberships
 A-D (656) 
 A (635) 
 American Physical Society (113)
45. Other Awards 
45. Other Awards
 C-D (404) 
 C (272) 
 Charles Stark Draper Prize (8)
 Companion of the Order of Canada (8)
 E-F (439) 
 E (135) 
 Edwin H. Land Medal (2)
 I-J (268) 
 I (80) 
 IEEE Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Award (9)
 M-N (333) 
 N (205) 
 National Inventor Hall of Fame (33)
 Q-Z (398) 
 S (125) 
 Stuart Ballantine Medal (10)
complete name  Willard Boyle
nobel prize  physics
award year  2009
together with  Charles K. Kao
together with  George E. Smith
prize share  Prize share: 1/4
rational  The Nobel Prize in Physics 2009 was divided, one half awarded to Charles Kuen Kao "for groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication", the other half jointly to Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith "for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit - the CCD sensor."
biography  Biography
laureate facts  Facts
laureate lecture  Lecture
given name  Willard
family name  Boyle
occupation  photographer
occupation  physicist
occupation  inventor
field of work  physics
work location  Bell Labs, Murray Hill, United States of America
description  Willard Boyle was a Canadian physicist, pioneer in the field of laser technology and co-inventor of the charge-coupled device. On October 6, 2009, it was announced that he would share the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics for "the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit—the CCD sensor, which has become an electronic eye in almost all areas of photography".
image copyright  © The Nobel Foundation. Photo: U. Montan
image citation  The Nobel Prize in Physics 2009. Nobel Media AB 2018. <>
date birth  1924
date death  2011
usual name  Willard Boyle