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Taxa - Plantae: Gnetopsida

40 items, grouped by Breeding and Genetic Improvement (view ungrouped items)

breeding (1)   
(Click to View)
Mycorrhiza status of Gnetum spp. in Cameroon: evaluating diversity with a view to ameliorating domestication efforts

genetic techniques and protocols (3)   
(Click to View)
Molecular interactions of orthologues of floral homeotic proteins from the gymnosperm Gnetum gnemon provide a clue to the evolutionary origin of 'floral quartets'
The plant journal

(Click to View)
Plant type differently promote the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi biodiversity in the rhizosphere after revegetation of a degraded, semiarid land
Soil biology and biochemistry

(Click to View)
Common Responses in Gene Expression by Ephedra herba in Brain and Heart of Mouse
Phytotherapy research