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A disposable biosensor for pathogen detection in fresh produce samples. [Erratum: 2006 Jan., v. 93, issue 1, p. 119-121.]
Biosystems engineering

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Calendar Year 
Calendar Year
 Year (337475) 
 2004 (5815)
Economics, Business and Industry 
Economics, Business and Industry
 products and commodities (80757) 
 disposable products (1)
 agricultural products (74894) 
 foods (19982) 
 raw foods (1212) 
 produce (448)
 plant products (54971) 
 fruit products (9186) 
 fruits (food) (8192) 
 small fruits (1395) 
 strawberries (504)
 vegetable products (11423) 
 vegetables (10538) 
 green leafy vegetables (1419) 
 lettuce (488)
Food and Human Nutrition 
Food and Human Nutrition
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 food microbiology (2726) 
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Plant Science and Plant Products 
Plant Science and Plant Products
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 small fruits (1395) 
 strawberries (504)
 vegetable products (11424) 
 vegetables (10538) 
 green leafy vegetables (1419) 
 lettuce (488)
Reference Types 
Reference Types
 Journal (337546)
Research, Technology and Engineering 
Research, Technology and Engineering
 equipment (11338) 
 measuring devices (2496) 
 detectors (704) 
 sensors (402) 
 biosensors (130)
 methodology (66114) 
 rapid methods (931)
 detection (2704) 
 microbial detection (552)
Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria 
Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria
 Eubacteria (19572) 
 Proteobacteria (11924) 
 gamma-Proteobacteria (8569) 
 Enterobacteriales (5170) 
 Enterobacteriaceae (5167) 
 Escherichia (3176) 
 Escherichia coli (3139) 
 enterovirulent Escherichia coli group (319) 
 Escherichia coli O157:H7 (185)
Abstract of Article  Will be presented in next release
Date Last Accessed  Accessed January 20, 2015
Title of Article  A disposable biosensor for pathogen detection in fresh produce samples. [Erratum: 2006 Jan., v. 93, issue 1, p. 119-121.]
Author(s) of Article  Will be identified in next release
Citation  Biosystems engineering 2004 v.88 no.2 pp. 145-151
Click to View  (Click to View)
Date of Publication  2004
Location of Article
Name of Publication  Biosystems engineering
Publishing Company  Will be identified in next release
Accession Number  217148