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Comparative life cycle assessment of three biohydrogen pathways
Bioresource technology

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Economics, Business and Industry: products and commodities > coproducts

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Biological Sciences 
Biological Sciences
 biological properties and phenomena (31123) 
 gas production (biological) (1060) 
 methane production (565)
Calendar Year 
Calendar Year
 Year (337475) 
 2011 (42920)
Economics, Business and Industry 
Economics, Business and Industry
 products and commodities (80757) 
 coproducts (65)
 agricultural products (74894) 
 plant products (54971) 
 sweet sorghum (51)
 vegetable products (11423) 
 potato products (1652) 
 potatoes (1348)
 vegetables (10538) 
 root vegetables (2722) 
 potatoes (1348)
Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences 
Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences
 atmospheric sciences (22912) 
 greenhouse gases (758)
 environmental science (25745) 
 environmental degradation (16012) 
 pollution (12513) 
 pollutants (6440) 
 emissions (2923)
Physical and Chemical Sciences 
Physical and Chemical Sciences
 physics (54990) 
 energy (4563)
Plant Science and Plant Products 
Plant Science and Plant Products
 plant products (54974) 
 sweet sorghum (51)
 vegetable products (11424) 
 potato products (1652) 
 potatoes (1348)
 vegetables (10538) 
 root vegetables (2722) 
 potatoes (1348)
 plant residues (3362) 
 crop residues (1740) 
 straw (1059) 
 sorghum stalks (11)
 wheat straw (354)
Reference Types 
Reference Types
 Journal (337546)
Research, Technology and Engineering 
Research, Technology and Engineering
 sustainability science (207) 
 life cycle assessment (148)
Abstract of Article  Will be presented in next release
Date Last Accessed  Accessed January 20, 2015
Title of Article  Comparative life cycle assessment of three biohydrogen pathways
Author(s) of Article  Will be identified in next release
Citation  Bioresource technology 2011 v.102 no.3 pp. 2684-2694
Click to View  (Click to View)
Date of Publication  2011
Location of Article
Name of Publication  Bioresource technology
Publishing Company  Will be identified in next release
Accession Number  117601