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Rumen disappearance kinetics and chemical characterization of by-products from cellulosic ethanol production
Animal feed science and technology

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 forage and feed science (8644) 
 feeds (3331)
 feed quality (4390) 
 nutritive value (2550)
 forage (5252) 
 forage quality (3905) 
 nutritive value (2550)
 animals (57707) 
 vertebrates (48184) 
 mammals (32609) 
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 ruminants (10515)
 zoology (51799) 
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 animal organs (10087) 
 stomach (1067) 
 ruminant stomach (528) 
 forestomach (502) 
 rumen (469)
 digestive system (8930) 
 gastrointestinal system (3179) 
 stomach (1066) 
 ruminant stomach (528) 
 forestomach (502) 
 rumen (469)
Biological Sciences 
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 digestive system (8930) 
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 ruminant stomach (528) 
 forestomach (502) 
 rumen (469)
 digestive system (8925) 
 gastrointestinal system (3175) 
 stomach (1066) 
 ruminant stomach (528) 
 forestomach (502) 
 rumen (469)
Calendar Year 
Calendar Year
 Year (337475) 
 2011 (42920)
Economics, Business and Industry 
Economics, Business and Industry
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 coproducts (65)
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 nutritive value (2550)
Food and Human Nutrition 
Food and Human Nutrition
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Physical and Chemical Sciences 
Physical and Chemical Sciences
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 carbohydrates (23127) 
 sugars (11442)
 polysaccharides (9609) 
 glucans (5043) 
 cellulose (1820)
 chemical compounds (78840) 
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 nitrogen compounds (16192) 
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 nitrogen content (3740)
 fiber content (772) 
 neutral detergent fiber (269)
 reaction chemistry (20939) 
 reaction kinetics (636)
Plant Science and Plant Products 
Plant Science and Plant Products
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 grains (14407) 
 corn (4053)
 plant residues (3362) 
 crop residues (1740) 
 stover (270) 
 corn stover (245)
 straw (1059) 
 barley straw (52)
Reference Types 
Reference Types
 Journal (337546)
Research, Technology and Engineering 
Research, Technology and Engineering
 technology (49139) 
 biotechnology (2963) 
 biological production (873) 
 ethanol production (651)
Taxa - Plantae 
Taxa - Plantae
 Magnoliophyta (59301) 
 Liliopsida (16758) 
 Poales (13185) 
 Poaceae (12625) 
 Phalaris (98) 
 Phalaris arundinacea (64)
Abstract of Article  Will be presented in next release
Date Last Accessed  Accessed January 20, 2015
Title of Article  Rumen disappearance kinetics and chemical characterization of by-products from cellulosic ethanol production
Author(s) of Article  Will be identified in next release
Citation  Animal feed science and technology 2011 v.165 no.3-4 pp. 151-160
Click to View  (Click to View)
Date of Publication  2011
Location of Article
Name of Publication  Animal feed science and technology
Publishing Company  Will be identified in next release
Accession Number  148599