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Influence of Emulsifiable Concentrate Formulation on the Physical Properties of the Fluid, Spray Characteristics, and Insecticide Deposits on Stored Grains
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

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Calendar Year 
Calendar Year
 Year (337475) 
 2007 (28801)
Economics, Business and Industry 
Economics, Business and Industry
 products and commodities (80757) 
 stored products (65)
 agricultural products (74894) 
 plant products (54971) 
 grain products (16322) 
 grains (14407) 
 corn (4053)
 small grains (10194) 
 wheat (4519)
 wheat products (5230) 
 wheat (4519)
Health and Pathology 
Health and Pathology
 disease and pest management (8734) 
 pest management (1067) 
 pesticide application (564)
Physical and Chemical Sciences 
Physical and Chemical Sciences
 chemical substances (129118) 
 agrochemicals (13851) 
 pesticides (9083) 
 pesticide formulations (203)
 insecticides (2617) 
 organophosphorus insecticides (717) 
 organothiophosphate insecticides (570) 
 fenitrothion (37)
 pyrethroid insecticides (583) 
 esfenvalerate (22)
 organophosphorus pesticides (1156) 
 organophosphorus insecticides (717) 
 organothiophosphate insecticides (570) 
 fenitrothion (37)
 chemical compounds (78840) 
 organic compounds (57444) 
 organophosphorus compounds (1263) 
 organophosphorus pesticides (1156) 
 organophosphorus insecticides (717) 
 organothiophosphate insecticides (570) 
 fenitrothion (37)
 chemical residues (1057) 
 pesticide residues (773) 
 insecticide residues (202)
 chemistry (84737) 
 physical chemistry (19414) 
 chemical concentration (1267)
 physics (54990) 
 mechanics (7327) 
 fluid mechanics (3215) 
 surface tension (158)
 physical properties (32618) 
 rheological properties (2747) 
 viscosity (1469)
Plant Science and Plant Products 
Plant Science and Plant Products
 plant products (54974) 
 grain products (16323) 
 grains (14407) 
 corn (4053)
 small grains (10194) 
 wheat (4519)
 wheat products (5230) 
 wheat (4519)
Reference Types 
Reference Types
 Journal (337546)
Research, Technology and Engineering 
Research, Technology and Engineering
 materials science (14620) 
 material forms (6970) 
 concentrates (41) 
 emulsifiable concentrates (13)
 technology (49139) 
 application technology (7315) 
 application methods (4351) 
 spraying (468)
Abstract of Article  Will be presented in next release
Date Last Accessed  Accessed January 20, 2015
Title of Article  Influence of Emulsifiable Concentrate Formulation on the Physical Properties of the Fluid, Spray Characteristics, and Insecticide Deposits on Stored Grains
Author(s) of Article  Will be identified in next release
Citation  Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2007 v.55 no.9 pp. 3529-3534
Click to View  (Click to View)
Date of Publication  2007
Location of Article
Name of Publication  Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
Publishing Company  Will be identified in next release
Accession Number  246508