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Apparent digestibility of selected feed ingredients for juvenile cobia Rachycentron canadum

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 oilmeals (573) 
 peanut meal (18)
 rapeseed meal (78)
 soybean meal (340)
 peanut products (535) 
 peanut meal (18)
 rapeseed products (877) 
 rapeseed meal (78)
 soybean products (3383) 
 soybean meal (340)
 byproducts (1437) 
 animal byproducts (151) 
 meat byproducts (83) 
 bone meal (17)
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 physicochemical properties (27179) 
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Plant Science and Plant Products 
Plant Science and Plant Products
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 corn products (937) 
 corn gluten meal (47)
 nut products (1260) 
 peanut products (535) 
 peanut meal (18)
 oilseed products (5896) 
 oilmeals (573) 
 peanut meal (18)
 rapeseed meal (78)
 soybean meal (340)
 peanut products (535) 
 peanut meal (18)
 rapeseed products (877) 
 rapeseed meal (78)
 soybean products (3383) 
 soybean meal (340)
Reference Types 
Reference Types
 Journal (337546)
Taxa - Animalia 
Taxa - Animalia
 Chordata (15192) 
 Pisces (8907) 
 Actinopterygii (8702) 
 Perciformes (2758) 
 Rachycentridae (46) 
 Rachycentron (46) 
 Rachycentron canadum (46)
Abstract of Article  Will be presented in next release
Date Last Accessed  Accessed January 20, 2015
Title of Article  Apparent digestibility of selected feed ingredients for juvenile cobia Rachycentron canadum
Author(s) of Article  Will be identified in next release
Citation  Aquaculture 2004 v.241 no.1-4 pp. 441-451
Click to View  (Click to View)
Date of Publication  2004
Location of Article
Name of Publication  Aquaculture
Publishing Company  Will be identified in next release
Accession Number  219289