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Effects of defatted soybean protein levels on growth performance and nitrogen and phosphorus excretion in Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer)

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Animal Science and Animal Products 
Animal Science and Animal Products
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 animal nutrition (2809) 
 feed conversion (1373)
 forage and feed science (8644) 
 feeds (3331)
 feed quality (4390) 
 nutritive value (2550) 
 digestible protein (315)
 forage (5252) 
 forage quality (3905) 
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 digestible protein (315)
 zoology (51799) 
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 animal growth (1958)
 excretory system physiology (910) 
 excretion (798)
Biological Sciences 
Biological Sciences
 nutrition (23130) 
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 feed conversion (1373)
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 animal growth (1958)
 excretory system physiology (910) 
 excretion (798)
 nutrition physiology (4732) 
 nutrient utilization (1614) 
 feed conversion (1373)
 zoology (51772) 
 animal physiology (24475) 
 animal growth (1958)
 excretory system physiology (910) 
 excretion (798)
Calendar Year 
Calendar Year
 Year (337475) 
 2005 (8007)
Economics, Business and Industry 
Economics, Business and Industry
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 defatted products (50)
 agricultural products (74894) 
 feeds (3331)
 plant products (54971) 
 oilseed products (5896) 
 soybean products (3383) 
 soy protein (394)
 product quality (18080) 
 food quality (12184) 
 nutritive value (2550) 
 digestible protein (315)
 protein products (2277) 
 legume protein (443) 
 soy protein (394)
Farms and Farming Systems 
Farms and Farming Systems
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Food and Human Nutrition 
Food and Human Nutrition
 food science (22492) 
 food quality (12184) 
 nutritive value (2550) 
 digestible protein (315)
Physical and Chemical Sciences 
Physical and Chemical Sciences
 chemical substances (129118) 
 elements (30672) 
 nonmetallic elements (20442) 
 nitrogen (6752)
 phosphorus (3373)
Plant Science and Plant Products 
Plant Science and Plant Products
 plant products (54974) 
 oilseed products (5896) 
 soybean products (3383) 
 soy protein (394)
Reference Types 
Reference Types
 Journal (337546)
Taxa - Animalia 
Taxa - Animalia
 Chordata (15192) 
 Pisces (8907) 
 Actinopterygii (8702) 
 Perciformes (2758) 
 Latidae (94) 
 Lates (94) 
 Lates calcarifer (79)
Abstract of Article  Will be presented in next release
Date Last Accessed  Accessed January 20, 2015
Title of Article  Effects of defatted soybean protein levels on growth performance and nitrogen and phosphorus excretion in Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer)
Author(s) of Article  Will be identified in next release
Citation  Aquaculture 2005 v.248 no.1-4 pp. 41-50
Click to View  (Click to View)
Date of Publication  2005
Location of Article
Name of Publication  Aquaculture
Publishing Company  Will be identified in next release
Accession Number  220644