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Farms and Farming Systems: agricultural management

3309 items, grouped by Economics, Business and Industry (view ungrouped items)

administrative management (323)   
(Click to View)
Integrating best management practices for rice with farmers’ crop management techniques: A potential option for minimizing rice yield gap
Field crops research

(Click to View)
Consumer preferences for sustainable production methods in apple purchasing behaviour: a non‐hypothetical choice experiment
International journal of consumer studies

(Click to View)
Plant species loss due to forest succession in Alpine pastures depends on site conditions and observation scale
Biological conservation

(Click to View)
Managing soil carbon for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Mediterranean cropping systems: A meta-analysis
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

all 323 items...

economics (1598)   
(Click to View)
Synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate from palm oil and some new applications
Applied microbiology and biotechnology.

(Click to View)
Biosurfactants in agriculture
Applied microbiology and biotechnology

(Click to View)
Grain yield and soil respiratory response to intercropping systems on arid land
Field crops research

(Click to View)
Potential and cost of carbon sequestration in Indian agriculture: Estimates from long-term field experiments
Field crops research

all 1598 items...

products and commodities (1976)   
(Click to View)
An assessment of the soil microbial status after 17 years of tillage and mineral P fertilization management
Applied soil ecology

(Click to View)
Synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate from palm oil and some new applications
Applied microbiology and biotechnology.

(Click to View)
Biosurfactants in agriculture
Applied microbiology and biotechnology

(Click to View)
Grain yield and soil respiratory response to intercropping systems on arid land
Field crops research

all 1976 items...