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Rural and Agricultural Sociology: leisure, recreation and tourism

847 items, grouped by Economics, Business and Industry (view ungrouped items)

administrative management (152)   
(Click to View)
Salmonella in meat from hunted game: A Central European perspective
Food research international

(Click to View)
Active gaming in Dutch adolescents: a descriptive study
international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity

(Click to View)
Effects of small-scale habitat fragmentation on predator–prey interactions in a temperate sea grass system
Marine biology

(Click to View)
Understanding the complex impacts of drought: A key to enhancing drought mitigation and preparedness
Water resources management

all 152 items...

economics (502)   
(Click to View)
Non-motorized Winter Recreation Impacts to Snowmelt Erosion, Tronsen Basin, Eastern Cascades, Washington
Environmental management

(Click to View)
Pagsanjan-Lumban catchment, Philippines: Summary of biophysical characteristics of the catchment, background to site selection and instrumentation
Agricultural water management

(Click to View)
A policy tool for establishing a balance between wildlife habitat preservation and the use of natural resources by rural people in South Africa
African journal of ecology

(Click to View)
Salmonella in meat from hunted game: A Central European perspective
Food research international

all 502 items...

products and commodities (154)   
(Click to View)
Pagsanjan-Lumban catchment, Philippines: Summary of biophysical characteristics of the catchment, background to site selection and instrumentation
Agricultural water management

(Click to View)
A policy tool for establishing a balance between wildlife habitat preservation and the use of natural resources by rural people in South Africa
African journal of ecology

(Click to View)
Salmonella in meat from hunted game: A Central European perspective
Food research international

(Click to View)
Food and activity in out of school hours care in Victoria
Nutrition and dietetics

all 154 items...