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Farms and Farming Systems: agricultural management

3309 items, grouped by Farms and Farming Systems (view ungrouped items)

agricultural management models (62)   
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Simulated yield and profitability of five potential crops for intensifying the dryland wheat-fallow production system
Agricultural water management

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A conceptual framework of agricultural land use planning with BMP for integrated watershed management
Journal of environmental management

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Influences of the unsaturated, saturated, and riparian zones on the transport of nitrate near the Merced River, California, USA
Hydrogeology journal

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Modeling the effects of controlled drainage, N rate and weather on nitrate loss to subsurface drainage
Agricultural water management

all 62 items...

animal manure management (134)   
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A comparison between urban livestock production strategies in Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria in West Africa
Tropical plant biology

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Volatile organic compounds at swine facilities: A critical review

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Regional analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from USA dairy farms: A cradle to farm-gate assessment of the American dairy industry circa 2008
International dairy journal

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Development of a national methane emission inventory for domestic livestock in Saudi Arabia
Animal feed science and technology

all 134 items...

crop management (2353)   
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Economics, adoption determinants, and impacts of micro-irrigation technologies: empirical results from India
Irrigation science

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Grain yield and soil respiratory response to intercropping systems on arid land
Field crops research

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The role of cover crops in irrigated systems: Water balance, nitrate leaching and soil mineral nitrogen accumulation
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

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Agronomic productivity and nitrogen requirements of alternative tillage and crop establishment systems for improved weed control in direct-seeded rice
Field crops research

all 2353 items...

integrated agricultural systems (75)   
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Yield response, pest damage and fruit quality parameters of scab-resistant and scab-susceptible apple cultivars in integrated and organic production systems
Scientia horticulturae

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Influence of pond fertilization and feeding rate on growth performance, economic returns and water quality in a small-scale cage-cum-pond integrated system for production of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.)
Aquaculture research

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The intrinsic plasticity of farm businesses and their resilience to change. An Australian example
Field crops research

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Dynamics of the root/soil pathogens and antagonists in organic and integrated production of potato
European journal of plant pathology

all 75 items...

Management Systems Evaluation Areas (1)   
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Modeling slug tests in unconfined aquifers taking into account water table kinematics, wellbore skin and inertial effects
Journal of hydrology

nutrient management (245)   
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Potential and cost of carbon sequestration in Indian agriculture: Estimates from long-term field experiments
Field crops research

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Assessing a decade of phosphorus management in the Lake Mendota, Wisconsin watershed and scenarios for enhanced phosphorus management
Aquatic sciences

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Long-term effects of recommended management practices on soil carbon changes and sequestration in north-eastern Italy
Soil use and management

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Soil organic matter humification under different tillage managements evaluated by Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) and C/N ratio
Soil and tillage research

all 245 items...

sustainable agriculture (565)   
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An assessment of the soil microbial status after 17 years of tillage and mineral P fertilization management
Applied soil ecology

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Synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate from palm oil and some new applications
Applied microbiology and biotechnology.

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Biosurfactants in agriculture
Applied microbiology and biotechnology

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Grain yield and soil respiratory response to intercropping systems on arid land
Field crops research

all 565 items...

 (others) (122)   
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Responses of terrestrial herb assemblages to weeding and fertilization in cacao agroforests in Indonesia
Agroforestry systems

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Computer-model tools for a better agricultural water management: Tackling managers’ issues at different scales – A contribution from systemic agronomists
Computers and electronics in agriculture

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Water regime-nitrogen fertilizer-straw incorporation interaction: Field study on nitrous oxide emissions from a rice agroecosystem in Nanjing, China
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

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Quantification and site-specification of the support practice factor when mapping soil erosion risk associated with olive plantations in the Mediterranean island of Crete
Environmental monitoring and assessment

all 122 items...