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Taxa - Plantae: Filicopsida > Hydropteridales

55 items, grouped by Farms and Farming Systems (view ungrouped items)

agricultural management (1)   
(Click to View)
Methane emission from rice fields at Cuttack, India
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems

aquaculture (3)   
(Click to View)
Effects of substituting fish meal with Azolla pinnata in practical diets for fingerling and adult Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.)
Aquaculture research

(Click to View)
Evaluation of the nutritional quality of four unexplored aquatic weeds from northeast India for the formulation of cost-effective fish feeds
Food chemistry

(Click to View)
The Preference of the Omnivorous-Macrophagous, Tilapia zillii (Gervais), to Consume a Natural Free-floating Fern, Azolla pinnata
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society

farming systems (1)   
(Click to View)
Methane emission from rice fields at Cuttack, India
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems