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Taxa - Algae: Charophyta |
Africa (1) |
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Structure and development of the sex organs in Tolypella nidifica (O. Müll.) A.Br. (Characeae) | Botanical journal of the Linnean Society |
Asia (2) |
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Shifting cultivation effects on creek water quality around Barkal Upazila in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh | Journal of forestry research |
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Accuracy assessment of supervised classification of submersed macrophytes: the case of the Gavaraget region of Lake Sevan, Armenia | Hydrobiologia |
Australia (2) |
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Effect of magnesium on charophytes calcification: implications for phosphorus speciation stored in biomass and sediment in Myall Lake (Australia) | Hydrobiologia |
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Mechanisms affecting biomass and distribution of charophytes and Najas marina in Myall Lake, New South Wales, Australia | Hydrobiologia |
Europe (7) |
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Assessment in two shallow lakes of a hydroacoustic system for surveying aquatic macrophytes | Hydrobiologia |
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Submerged Macrophyte Responses to Reduced Phosphorus Concentrations in Two Peri‐Urban Lakes | Restoration ecology |
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Ornamental lakes -- an overlooked conservation resource | Aquatic conservation marine and freshwater ecosystems |
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Water quality as a threat to aquatic plants: discriminating between the effects of nitrate, phosphate, boron and heavy metals on charophytes | The new phytologist |
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The impact of the spatial structure of hydromacrophytes on the similarity of rotifera communities (Budzyńskie Lake, Poland) | Hydrobiologia |
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A statistical model predicting the occurrence and dynamics of submerged macrophytes in shallow lakes in the Netherlands | Hydrobiologia |
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The role of charophytes in increasing water transparency: a case study of two shallow lakes in Estonia | Hydrobiologia |
named bodies of water (4) |
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Estimating environmental flow requirements downstream of the Chara Chara weir on the Blue Nile River | Hydrological processes |
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Distribution differences and active habitat choices of invertebrates between macrophytes of different morphological complexity | Aquatic ecology |
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Factors influencing macrophyte metrics in Estonian coastal lakes in the light of ecological status assessment | Hydrobiologia |
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Chara can outcompete Myriophyllum under low phosphorus supply | Aquatic sciences |
named deserts (1) |
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Contrasting effects of an invasive crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) on two temperate stream communities | Freshwater biology |
North America (5) |
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Differing temporal patterns of Chara hornemannii cover correlate to alternate regimes of phytoplankton and submerged aquatic-vegetation dominance | Marine and freshwater research |
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An environmental assessment of a small shallow lake (Little Black Lake, MI) threatened by urbanization | Environmental monitoring and assessment |
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Petroleum coke and soft tailings sediment in constructed wetlands may contribute to the uptake of trace metals by algae and aquatic invertebrates | Science of the total environment |
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Movement patterns and habitat use of three declining littoral fish species in a north-temperate mesotrophic lake | Hydrobiologia |
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Contrasting effects of an invasive crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) on two temperate stream communities | Freshwater biology |