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Taxa - Plantae: Isoetopsida

35 items, grouped by Geographical Locations (view ungrouped items)

Asia (5)   
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Microsatellite primers in the endangered quillwort Isoetes hypsophila (Isoetaceae) and cross-amplification in I. sinensis
American journal of botany

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Reactive oxygen species-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction is involved in apoptosis in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma CNE cells induced by Selaginella doederleinii extract
Journal of ethnopharmacology

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New perspective on the architecture of the late Late Devonian arborescent lycopsid Leptophloeum rhombicum (Leptophloeaceae)
American journal of botany

(Click to View)
Genetic consequence of restricted habitat and population decline in endangered Isoetes sinensis (Isoetaceae)
Annals of botany

(Click to View)
Antimetastatic activities of Selaginella tamariscina (Beauv.) on lung cancer cells in vitro and in vivo
Journal of ethnopharmacology

Europe (3)   
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Plant communities as a tool in temporary ponds conservation in SW Portugal

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Competition in microcosm between a clonal plant species (Bolboschoenus maritimus) and a rare quillwort (Isoetes setacea) from Mediterranean temporary pools of southern France

(Click to View)
The identification, characterization and conservation value of isoetid lakes in Ireland
Aquatic conservation marine and freshwater ecosystems

named deserts (1)   
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Late-successional biological soil crusts in a biodiversity hotspot: an example of congruency in species richness
Biodiversity and conservation

named geographical regions (1)   
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Plant communities as a tool in temporary ponds conservation in SW Portugal

North America (2)   
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Late-successional biological soil crusts in a biodiversity hotspot: an example of congruency in species richness
Biodiversity and conservation

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Clubmoss, precipitation, and microsite effects on emergence of graminoid and forb seedlings in the semiarid Northern Mixed Prairie of North America
Journal of arid environments