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Biological Sciences: biogeography

2263 items, grouped by Government, Law and Regulations (view ungrouped items)

administration of justice (1)   
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Population genetics and conservation of critically small cycad populations: a case study of the Albany Cycad, Encephalartos latifrons (Lehmann)
Biological journal of the Linnean Society

government and administration (32)   
(Click to View)
The seven impediments in invertebrate conservation and how to overcome them
Biological conservation

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The toxicity of molybdate to freshwater and marine organisms. II. Effects assessment of molybdate in the aquatic environment under REACH
Science of the total environment

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State of the art of contaminated site management in The Netherlands: Policy framework and risk assessment tools
Science of the total environment

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Static species distribution models in dynamically changing systems: how good can predictions really be

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Choice of predictor variables as a source of uncertainty in continental‐scale species distribution modelling under climate change
Global ecology and biogeography

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Carbon storage, community structure and canopy cover: A comparison along a precipitation gradient
Forest ecology and management

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Adaptive management as a tool to improve the conservation of endemic floras: the case of Sicily, Malta and their satellite islands
Biodiversity and conservation

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Diversity patterns and zoogeography of the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean shallow-water sponge fauna

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Ecological coherence of marine protected area networks: a spatial assessment using species distribution models
Journal of applied ecology

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Conserving pelagic habitats: seascape modelling of an oceanic top predator
Journal of applied ecology

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Assessment of plant species diversity of ancient tea garden communities in Yunnan, Southwest of China
Agroforestry systems

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Bioclimate envelope model predictions for natural resource management: dealing with uncertainty
Journal of applied ecology

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Understanding spatial differences in African elephant densities and occurrence, a continent-wide analysis
Biological conservation

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Plant communities at the periphery of the Atlantic rain forest: Rare-species bias and its risks for conservation
Biological conservation

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Identification and conservation of remnant genetic resources of brown trout in relict populations from Western Mediterranean streams

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A standardized procedure for surveillance and monitoring European habitats and provision of spatial data
Landscape ecology

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Bringing indices of species vulnerability to climate change into geographic space: an assessment across the Coronado national forest
Biodiversity and conservation

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Identifying habitat patches and potential ecological corridors for remnant Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus japonicus) populations in Japan
Ecological modelling

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Conservation policies and planning under climate change
Biological conservation

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Distribution and population patterns of the threatened palm Brahea aculeata in a tropical dry forest in Sonora, Mexico
Forest ecology and management

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Effects of landscape structure on butterfly species richness and abundance in agricultural landscapes in eastern Ontario, Canada
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

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Increasing range mismatching of interacting species under global change is related to their ecological characteristics
Global ecology and biogeography

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Historical influences dominate the composition of regenerating plant communities in abandoned citrus groves in north-central Florida
Landscape ecology

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Distribution of invasive plants in China in relation to geographical origin and life cycle
Weed research

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Rapid global change: implications for defining natives and aliens
Global ecology and biogeography

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Distribution modelling of Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) invasion in the Cumberland Plateau and Mountain Region, USA
Forest ecology and management

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Critical Role for hierarchical geospatial analyses in the design of fluvial research, assessment, and management
Environmental monitoring and assessment

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Silvicultural disturbance has little impact on tree species diversity in a Central African moist forest
Forest ecology and management

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Fine-scale endemism of Amazonian birds in a threatened landscape
Biodiversity and conservation

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Characterization of beef semimembranosus and adductor muscles from US and Mexican origin
Meat science

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Collective Marketing Arrangements for Geographically Differentiated Agricultural Products: Welfare Impacts and Policy Implications
American journal of agricultural economics

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What factors influence obtaining forest certification in the U.S. Pacific Northwest
Forest policy and economics

law (36)   
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Land use vs. fragment size and isolation as determinants of small mammal composition and richness in Atlantic Forest remnants
Biological conservation

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Exploited for pets: the harvest and trade of amphibians and reptiles from Indonesian New Guinea
Biodiversity and conservation

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Mitochondrial evidence for distinct phylogeographic units in the endangered Malagasy poison frog Mantella bernhardi
Molecular ecology

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Compliance of Australian threatened species recovery plans with legislative requirements
Journal of environmental management

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Stock recovery rates are not the panacea to assess timber yield sustainability: Evidence from managed Central African forests
Forest ecology and management

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Protected areas for seabirds in German offshore waters: Designation, retrospective consideration and current perspectives
Biological conservation

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Illegal wildlife trade in Galápagos: molecular tools help the taxonomic identification of confiscated iguanas and guide their rapid repatriation
Conservation genetic resources

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Plankton diversity and water quality assessment of three freshwater lakes of Mandi (Himachal Pradesh, India) with special reference to planktonic indicators
Environmental monitoring and assessment

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Consumer interest in information cues denoting quality, traceability and origin: An application of ordered probit models to beef labels
Food quality and preference

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Classification of some heat-treated liver pastes according to container type, using heavy metals content and manufacturer's data, by principal components analysis and potential curves
Meat science

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Evaluation of potential and real quality of virgin olive oil from the designation of origin “Aceite Campo de Montiel” (Ciudad Real, Spain)
Food chemistry

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Characterization of beef semimembranosus and adductor muscles from US and Mexican origin
Meat science

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Characterisation of different typical Italian breads by means of traditional, spectroscopic and image analyses
Food chemistry

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Species identification and authentication of tissues of animal origin using mitochondrial and nuclear markers
Meat science

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Collective Marketing Arrangements for Geographically Differentiated Agricultural Products: Welfare Impacts and Policy Implications
American journal of agricultural economics

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Consumers' acceptability of cured ham in Spain and the influence of information
Food quality and preference

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Utilisation of mid-infrared spectroscopy for determination of the geographic origin of Gruyère PDO and L'Etivaz PDO Swiss cheeses
Food chemistry

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Correlation and distribution of elemental markers of origin in the production of Bryndza sheep cheese
Food chemistry

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An overview of analytical methods for determining the geographical origin of food products
Food chemistry

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Comparison of the Volatile Composition in Thyme Honeys from Several Origins in Greece
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

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Geographical Classification of Honey Samples by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A Feasibility Study
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

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What factors influence obtaining forest certification in the U.S. Pacific Northwest
Forest policy and economics

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Geographical origin classification of olive oils by PTR-MS
Food chemistry

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Chemical Profile of Rums as a Function of their Origin. The Use of Chemometric Techniques for their Identification
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

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Geographical origin of polished rice based on multiple element and stable isotope analyses
Food chemistry

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Application of Cryoprobe 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis for the Verification of Corsican Honey
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

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Determination of Origin of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): The Use of Multiprobe and Multielement Isotopic Analyses in Combination with Fatty Acid Composition To Assess Wild or Farmed Origin
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

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Proteolytic oligopeptides as molecular markers for the presence of cows' milk in fresh cheeses derived from sheep milk
International dairy journal

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Modeling the Rejection Probability in Plant Imports

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Is authentication of the geographic origin of poultry meat and dried beef improved by combining multiple trace element and oxygen isotope analysis
Meat science

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Toward the Authentication of Wines of Nemea Denomination of Origin through Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (CAPS)-Based Assay
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

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Characterization of Volatiles in Virgin Olive Oil Produced in the Tunisian Area of Tataouine
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

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1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-Based Metabolomic Characterization of Wines by Grape Varieties and Production Areas
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry

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GIS design application for “Sierra Morena Honey” designation of origin
Computers and electronics in agriculture

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Composition of honey from Córdoba (Argentina): Assessment of North/South provenance by chemometrics
Food chemistry

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Near infrared spectral fingerprinting for confirmation of claimed PDO provenance of honey
Food chemistry