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Breeding and Genetic Improvement: germplasm evaluation

172 items, grouped by Health and Pathology (view ungrouped items)

animal and human health (3)   
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Improving salinity tolerance in crop plants: a biotechnological view
In vitro cellular and developmental biology

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Assessment of techniques for screening alfalfa cultivars for aluminum tolerance

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Phenotypic and marker-assisted evaluation of spring and winter wheat germplasm for resistance to fusarium head blight

disease and pest management (10)   
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Selective genotyping to identify late blight resistance genes in an accession of the tomato wild species Solanum pimpinellifolium

(Click to View)
Characterization and molecular mapping of Yr52 for high-temperature adult-plant resistance to stripe rust in spring wheat germplasm PI 183527
Theoretical and applied genetics

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Genetic resistance for the sustainable control of plant virus diseases: breeding, mechanisms and durability
European journal of plant pathology

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Evaluation of mulberry germplasm for resistance to powdery mildew in the field and greenhouse
Journal of general plant pathology

all 10 items...

epidemiology (19)   
(Click to View)
A major QTL conferring crown rot resistance in barley and its association with plant height
Theoretical and applied genetics

(Click to View)
Evaluation of mulberry germplasm for resistance to powdery mildew in the field and greenhouse
Journal of general plant pathology

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Susceptibility of source plants to Sugarcane Fiji disease virus influences the acquisition and transmission of the virus by the planthopper vector Perkinsiella saccharicida
Journal of applied entomology

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Incidence of Meloidogyne incognita and Development of Resistant Soybean Germplasm in Illinois
Plant health progress

all 19 items...

etiology (17)   
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Reduced Anthracnose Stalk Rot in Resistant Maize is Associated with Restricted Development of Colletotrichum graminicola in Pith Tissues
Phytopathologische Zeitschrift

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A high-throughput glasshouse bioassay to detect crown rot resistance in wheat germplasm
Plant pathology

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Genetic resistance for the sustainable control of plant virus diseases: breeding, mechanisms and durability
European journal of plant pathology

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Evaluation of mulberry germplasm for resistance to powdery mildew in the field and greenhouse
Journal of general plant pathology

all 17 items...

pathological processes and conditions (26)   
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Evaluation of 14 morphological, yield-related and physiological traits as indicators of drought tolerance in Chinese winter bread wheat revealed by analysis of the membership function value of drought tolerance (MFVD)
Field crops research

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Does susceptibility to heat stress confound screening for drought tolerance in rice
Functional plant biology

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Enzymatic reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging system in mango varieties resistant and susceptible to malformation
Scientia horticulturae

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A high-throughput glasshouse bioassay to detect crown rot resistance in wheat germplasm
Plant pathology

all 26 items...

plant health (64)   
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Evaluation of Ethiopian sorghum accessions for resistance against Colletotrichum sublineolum
European journal of plant pathology

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Germplasm evaluation and transfer of Verticillium wilt resistance from Pima (Gossypium barbadense) to Upland cotton (G. hirsutum)

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Reduced Anthracnose Stalk Rot in Resistant Maize is Associated with Restricted Development of Colletotrichum graminicola in Pith Tissues
Phytopathologische Zeitschrift

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A major QTL conferring crown rot resistance in barley and its association with plant height
Theoretical and applied genetics

all 64 items...