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Lipid peroxidation vs. antioxidant modulation in the bivalve Scrobicularia plana in response to environmental mercury--Organ specificities and age effect | Aquatic toxicology |
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Persistence of singly dispersed silver nanoparticles in natural freshwaters, synthetic seawater, and simulated estuarine waters | Science of the total environment |
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Indirect human exposure assessment of airborne lead deposited on soil via a simplified fate and speciation modelling approach | Science of the total environment |
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Cytochrome P4501A mRNA and protein induction in striped bass (Morone saxatilis) | Fish physiology and biochemistry |
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Occupational exposure to woodsmoke and oxidative stress in wildland firefighters | Science of the total environment |
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Influence of the Route of Exposure on the Accumulation and Subcellular Distribution of Nickel and Thallium in Juvenile Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) | Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology |
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Confirmation of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) distribution in the blood and verification of simple quantitative method for PCBs based on specific congeners | Chemosphere |
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Assessing exposure to phthalates - The human biomonitoring approach | Molecular nutrition and food research |
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Soil and human health: an epidemiological review | European journal of soil science |
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Chronic Effects of Carbamazepine on Life-History Strategies of Ceriodaphnia dubia in Three Successive Generations | Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology |
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Changes in the soil, litter, and vegetation nitrogen and carbon concentrations of semiarid shrublands in response to chronic dry season nitrogen input | Journal of arid environments |
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Response of ATPases in the osmoregulatory tissues of freshwater fish Oreochromis niloticus exposed to copper in increased salinity | Fish physiology and biochemistry |
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Dampness and moulds in workplace buildings: Associations with incidence and remission of sick building syndrome (SBS) and biomarkers of inflammation in a 10year follow-up study | Science of the total environment |
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Hydrochemical characterization of arsenic contaminated alluvial aquifers in Eastern Croatia using multivariate statistical techniques and arsenic risk assessment | Science of the total environment |
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Effect of Sequential Isoproturon Pulse Exposure on Scenedesmus vacuolatus | Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology |
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Ecological and human health risk aspects of burning arsenic-rich coal | Environmental geochemistry and health |
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Evidence of a role for foliar salicylic acid in regulating the rate of post-ingestive protein breakdown in ruminants and contributing to landscape pollution | Journal of experimental botany |
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Pesticide residues in Brassica vegetables and exposure assessment of consumers | Food control |
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Infection patterns of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) by two helminth species with contrasting life styles | Parasitology research |
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Protective Effects of Calcium Pre-Exposure Against Waterborne Cadmium Toxicity in Synechogobius hasta | Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology |
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Noninvasive heavy metal pollution assessment by means of Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) hair from Galicia (NW Spain): a comparison with invasive samples | Environmental monitoring and assessment |