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Taxa - Algae: Charophyta

64 items, grouped by Health and Pathology (view ungrouped items)

animal and human health (5)   
(Click to View)
Iron addition as a shallow lake restoration measure: impacts on charophyte growth

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Involvement of protein synthesis in recovery from refractory period of electrical depolarization induced by osmotic stimulation in Chara corallina
Journal of plant research

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Allelopathic effects of microcystin-LR on the germination, growth and metabolism of five charophyte species and a submerged angiosperm
Aquatic toxicology

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Control of Cl-efflux in Chara corallina by cytosolic pH, free Ca2+, and phosphorylation indicates a role of plasma membrane anion channels in cytosolic pH regulation
Plant physiology

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Selenium assimilation and volatilization from selenocyanate-treated Indian mustard and muskgrass
Plant physiology

pathological processes and conditions (2)   
(Click to View)
Mechano-perception in Chara cells: the influence of salinity and calcium on touch-activated receptor potentials, action potentials and ion transport
Plant, cell and environment

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Oxidative gating of water channels (aquaporins) in corn roots
Plant, cell and environment

plant health (1)   
(Click to View)
Mechano-perception in Chara cells: the influence of salinity and calcium on touch-activated receptor potentials, action potentials and ion transport
Plant, cell and environment