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115 items, grouped by Health and Pathology (view ungrouped items)

animal and human health (5)   
(Click to View)
Variation of Glucosinolates in Vegetable Crops of Brassica oleracea
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry

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Glucosinolate profiles in broccoli
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science

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Survey of glucosinolate variation in leaves of Brassica rapa crops
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution

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Glucosinolates in broccoli stored under controlled atmosphere
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science

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Effect of Different Cooking Methods on Raw and Frozen Brassica Vegetables
Department of Public Health, University of Parma

disease and pest management (5)   
(Click to View)
Variation of Glucosinolates in Vegetable Crops of Brassica oleracea
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry

(Click to View)
Glucosinolate profiles in broccoli
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science

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Survey of glucosinolate variation in leaves of Brassica rapa crops
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution

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Glucosinolates in broccoli stored under controlled atmosphere
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science

(Click to View)
Effect of Different Cooking Methods on Raw and Frozen Brassica Vegetables
Department of Public Health, University of Parma

epidemiology (1)   
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Pre-cut greens raise questions of safety
Washington Post

exposure (1)   
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Pesticide Exposure in Womb Affects I.Q.
New York Times

pathological processes and conditions (7)   
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Salmonella cases rise in United States, federal report shows
Washington Post

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When food is what makes you sick
Washington Post

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Low-Salt Diet Ineffective, Study Finds. Disagreement Abounds.
New York Times

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Nearly 17% of Americans suffer food poisoning each year, study shows
Washington Post

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Bless the Orange Sweet Potato
New York Times

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FDA plans to limit amount of salt allowed in processed foods for health reasons
Washington Post

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Cancer From the Kitchen?
New York Times

therapeutics (1)   
(Click to View)
The Miracle of Vitamin D: Sound Science, or Hype?
New York Times