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Biological Sciences: evolution > center of diversity

51 items, grouped by Natural Resources, Earth and Environmental Sciences (view ungrouped items)

atmospheric sciences (4)   
(Click to View)
Spatio-temporal dynamics of genetic diversity in Sorghum bicolor in Niger
Theoretical and applied genetics

(Click to View)
Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity and community structure on three co‐occurring leguminous canopy tree species in a Neotropical rainforest
The new phytologist

(Click to View)
Leaf litter depth as an important factor inhibiting seedling establishment of an exotic palm in tropical secondary forest patches
Biological invasions

(Click to View)
Canary Grasses (Phalaris, Poaceae): biogeography, molecular dating and the role of floret structure in dispersal
Molecular ecology

ecology (24)   
(Click to View)
Biome transitions as centres of diversity: habitat heterogeneity and diversity patterns of West African bat assemblages across spatial scales

(Click to View)
New light on the floristic composition and diversity of indigenous territory and national park Isiboro-Sécure, Bolivia
Biodiversity and conservation

(Click to View)
Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity and community structure on three co‐occurring leguminous canopy tree species in a Neotropical rainforest
The new phytologist

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Comparative biogeography of the cytotypes of annual Microthlaspi perfoliatum (Brassicaceae) in Europe using isozymes and cpDNA data: refugia, diversity centers, and postglacial colonization
American journal of botany

all 24 items...

environment (4)   
(Click to View)
Biome transitions as centres of diversity: habitat heterogeneity and diversity patterns of West African bat assemblages across spatial scales

(Click to View)
Genetic differentiation and gene flow in Colletotrichum sublineolum in Ethiopia, the centre of origin and diversity of sorghum, as revealed by AFLP analysis
Plant pathology

(Click to View)
A maize landscape: Ethnicity and agro-biodiversity in Chiapas Mexico
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

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Environmental heterogeneity decides bio-heterogeneity of the Spiraea japonica complex (Rosaceae) in China
Australian journal of botany

environmental science (1)   
(Click to View)
Conservation and sustainable use of crop wild relatives
Agriculture, ecosystems and environment

geography (17)   
(Click to View)
New light on the floristic composition and diversity of indigenous territory and national park Isiboro-Sécure, Bolivia
Biodiversity and conservation

(Click to View)
Genetic differentiation and gene flow in Colletotrichum sublineolum in Ethiopia, the centre of origin and diversity of sorghum, as revealed by AFLP analysis
Plant pathology

(Click to View)
Comparative biogeography of the cytotypes of annual Microthlaspi perfoliatum (Brassicaceae) in Europe using isozymes and cpDNA data: refugia, diversity centers, and postglacial colonization
American journal of botany

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The importance of species range attributes and reserve configuration for the conservation of angiosperm diversity in Western Australia
Biodiversity and conservation

all 17 items...

geology (10)   
(Click to View)
Contrasting demographic patterns of Ceriops tagal (Rhizophoraceae) populations in the South China Sea
Australian journal of botany

(Click to View)
New light on the floristic composition and diversity of indigenous territory and national park Isiboro-Sécure, Bolivia
Biodiversity and conservation

(Click to View)
Comparative biogeography of the cytotypes of annual Microthlaspi perfoliatum (Brassicaceae) in Europe using isozymes and cpDNA data: refugia, diversity centers, and postglacial colonization
American journal of botany

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The major Australian cool temperate rainforest tree Nothofagus cunninghamii withstood Pleistocene glacial aridity within multiple regions: evidence from the chloroplast
The new phytologist

all 10 items...

natural resource management (6)   
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Genetic diversity and relationships among Pistacia species and cultivars
Conservation genetics

(Click to View)
The importance of species range attributes and reserve configuration for the conservation of angiosperm diversity in Western Australia
Biodiversity and conservation

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Genetic diversity, seed size associations and population structure of a core collection of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Theoretical and applied genetics

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Mapping the geographical distribution of genetic variation in the genus Lens for the enhanced conservation of plant genetic diversity
Molecular ecology

all 6 items...

natural resources (38)   
(Click to View)
Biome transitions as centres of diversity: habitat heterogeneity and diversity patterns of West African bat assemblages across spatial scales

(Click to View)
New light on the floristic composition and diversity of indigenous territory and national park Isiboro-Sécure, Bolivia
Biodiversity and conservation

(Click to View)
Use of ISSR, SRAP, and RAPD markers to assess genetic diversity in Turkish melons
Scientia horticulturae

(Click to View)
Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity and community structure on three co‐occurring leguminous canopy tree species in a Neotropical rainforest
The new phytologist

all 38 items...

soil science (3)   
(Click to View)
Effects of agricultural intensification on plant diversity in Mediterranean dryland cereal fields
Journal of applied ecology

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Biogeography, rarity and endemism in Cineraria (Asteraceae-Senecioneae)
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society

(Click to View)
Leaf litter depth as an important factor inhibiting seedling establishment of an exotic palm in tropical secondary forest patches
Biological invasions