The 'Reference-Library_-_19-02-06' instance failed to start.

Check the log file at '/usr/local/flamenco/instances/Reference-Library_-_19-02-06/log.txt' for more details. Here are the last few lines:

  File "/usr/local/flamenco/python/", line 111, in writeHTML
  File "/usr/local/flamenco/python/", line 186, in body
  File "/usr/local/flamenco/python/", line 493, in page
    return div(self.endgame(), c='endgame')
  File "/usr/local/flamenco/python/", line 391, in endgame
    queryinfo = [self.queryinfo(userfacets, userattrs)]
  File "/usr/local/flamenco/python/", line 205, in queryinfo
    facetvalue=facetvals or {}))
  File "/usr/local/flamenco/python/", line 34, in facettree
    paths = [list(db.path(facet, value)) for value in values]
  File "/usr/local/flamenco/python/", line 274, in path
    ids = + ['level'], facet, 'id = %d' % id)[0]
IndexError: tuple index out of range
    3  1.66 secs            /Reference-Library_-_19-02-06/Wedge?group=facet_13_NAL_NatResEnvSci&index=2&q=facet_11_NAL_Health%3A1815%2Ffacet_13_NAL_NatResEnvSci%3A787%2Ffacet_20_Taxa_Animalia%3A59

    4  0.13 secs            /Reference-Library_-_19-02-06/Wedge?group=facet_05_NAL_Economics&offset=40&q=facet_05_NAL_Economics%3A2526

ThreadedAppServer: Shutting Down
Stopping AutoReload Monitor
Shutting down the AppServer
Application is Shutting Down
Application has been succesfully shutdown.
AppServer has been shutdown