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Taxa - Plantae: Filicopsida

296 items, grouped by Research, Technology and Engineering (view ungrouped items)

engineering (4)   
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Contributions to the ecology of bracken (pteridium aquilinum): vii. bracken and litter. 3. the cycle of change
new phytologist

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Changes in vegetative communities and water table dynamics following timber harvesting in small headwater streams
Forest ecology and management

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Observations on the bracken component of the pre-Hadrianic deposits at Vindolanda, Northumberland
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society

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Influence of woody invader control methods and seed availability on native and invasive species establishment in a Hawaiian forest
Biological invasions

equipment (8)   
(Click to View)
Changes in gravity rapidly alter the magnitude and direction of a cellular calcium current

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Culture of Azolla and its efficacy in diet of Labeo rohita

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Using native epiphytic ferns to estimate the atmospheric mercury levels in a small-scale gold mining area of West Java, Indonesia

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Growth of free-floating aquatic macrophytes in different concentrations of nutrients

all 8 items...

geospatial science and technology (1)   
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The spatial pattern and dispersion of Lygodium microphyllum in the Everglades wetland ecosystem
Biological invasions

information science (3)   
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Phylogenetic analysis of the triterpene cyclase protein family in prokaryotes and eukaryotes suggests bidirectional lateral gene transfer
Environmental microbiology

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A botanical classification of standing waters in Serbia and its application to conservation
Aquatic conservation marine and freshwater ecosystems

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Increased populations of deleterious fluorescent pseudomonads colonizing rhizomes of leatherleaf fern (Rumohra adiantiformis) and expression of symptoms of fern distortion syndrome after application of Benlate systemic fungicide
Applied soil ecology

materials science (12)   
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Adsorption Kinetics of Blue 5G Dye from Aqueous Solution on Dead Floating Aquatic Macrophyte: Effect of pH, Temperature, and Pretreatment
Water, air, and soil pollution

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An integrated approach to demonstrating the ANR pathway of proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in plants

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Vegetation Effects on Soil Organic Matter Chemistry of Aggregate Fractions in a Hawaiian Forest

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Cutin and suberin biomarkers as tracers for the turnover of shoot and root derived organic matter along a chronosequence of Ecuadorian pasture soils
European journal of soil science

all 12 items...

mathematics and statistics (30)   
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Using native epiphytic ferns to estimate the atmospheric mercury levels in a small-scale gold mining area of West Java, Indonesia

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Evaluation of aquatic plants for removing polar microcontaminants: A microcosm experiment

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Biological Flora of the British Isles: Dryopteris carthusiana, D. dilatata and D. expansa
journal of ecology

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Presence of indicator plant species as a predictor of wetland vegetation integrity: a statistical approach
Plant ecology

all 30 items...

methodology (72)   
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Anti-osteoporosis activity of Cibotium barometz extract on ovariectomy-induced bone loss in rats
Journal of ethnopharmacology

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Biomarker assessment of toxicity with miniaturised bioassays: diclofenac as a case study

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Antiosteoporotic activity of Davallia formosana
Journal of ethnopharmacology

(Click to View)
Chemical constituents from a Chinese fern Polypodium hastatum Thunb.
Biochemical systematics and ecology

all 72 items...

research (23)   
(Click to View)
Releasing Rain Forest Succession: A Case Study in the Dicranopteris linearis Fernlands of Sri Lanka
Restoration ecology

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Biomarker assessment of toxicity with miniaturised bioassays: diclofenac as a case study

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Antiosteoporotic activity of Davallia formosana
Journal of ethnopharmacology

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Market Basket Analysis: A New Tool in Ecology to Describe Chemical Relations in the Environment—A Case Study of the Fern Athyrium distentifolium in the Tatra National Park in Poland
Journal of chemical ecology

all 23 items...

support systems and models (16)   
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Changes in gravity rapidly alter the magnitude and direction of a cellular calcium current

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Morphogenesis of insect-induced plant galls: facts and questions

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Presence of indicator plant species as a predictor of wetland vegetation integrity: a statistical approach
Plant ecology

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Emerging invasive alien plants for the Mediterranean Basin
EPPO bulletin

all 16 items...

technology (41)   
(Click to View)
Anti-osteoporosis activity of Cibotium barometz extract on ovariectomy-induced bone loss in rats
Journal of ethnopharmacology

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Chloroplasts move towards the nearest anticlinal walls under dark condition
Journal of plant research

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Antiosteoporotic activity of Davallia formosana
Journal of ethnopharmacology

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Influence of amendments on soil arsenic fractionation and phytoavailability by Pteris vittata L.

all 41 items...

vehicles (1)   
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Changes in gravity rapidly alter the magnitude and direction of a cellular calcium current