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Rural and Agricultural Sociology: family and consumer science

4072 items, grouped by Rural and Agricultural Sociology (view ungrouped items)

clothing and fashion (43)   
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Examining Biophysical and Socio-Demographic Factors across Mandated Tank Users in Urban Australia: A Linking Step towards Achieving Best Practices
Water resources management

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Effect of Plasma Etching on Destructive Adsorption Properties of Polypropylene Fibers Containing Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology

(Click to View)
Quantifying the influence of environmental and water conservation attitudes on household end use water consumption
Journal of environmental management

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Cognitive age and fashion consumption
International journal of consumer studies

all 43 items...

consumer science (1652)   
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A Survey of Dietary Intake of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins, Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans, and Dioxin-like Coplanar Polychlorinated Biphenyls from Food During 2000-2002 in Osaka City, Japan
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology

(Click to View)
Effect of information about pig breed on consumers' acceptability of dry sausage
Journal of sensory studies

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Soil salinity and sodicity effects of wastewater irrigation in South East Australia
Agricultural water management

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The smell and odorous components of dried shiitake mushroom, Lentinula edodes VI: increase in odorous compounds of dried shiitake mushroom cultivated on bed logs
Journal of wood science

all 1652 items...

family studies (2082)   
(Click to View)
Adoption and cuckoldry lead to alloparental care in the tessellated darter (Etheostoma olmstedi), a non-group-living species with no evidence of nest site limitation
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology

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Detection of colostrum-derived alloantibodies in calves with bovine neonatal pancytopenia
Veterinary immunology and immunopathology

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Concurrent evolution of ancient sister lakes and sister species: the freshwater gastropod genus Radix in lakes Ohrid and Prespa

(Click to View)
Unravelling first-generation pedigrees in wild endangered salmon populations using molecular genetic markers
Molecular ecology

all 2082 items...

homemaking (108)   
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Chronic toxicity of a laundry detergent to the freshwater flagellate Euglena gracilis

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Macroconsumers are more important than specialist macroinvertebrate shredders in leaf processing in urban forest streams of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Predicting intentions to adopt safe home food handling practices. Applying the theory of planned behavior

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Trends in US home food preparation and consumption: analysis of national nutrition surveys and time use studies from 1965–1966 to 2007–2008
Nutrition journal

all 108 items...

homes and home furnishings (39)   
(Click to View)
Anticoccidial effects of coumestans from Eclipta alba for sustainable control of Eimeria tenella parasitosis in poultry production
Veterinary parasitology

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Infection prevention and control interventions in the first outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections in an equine hospital in Sweden
Acta veterinaria scandinavica

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The relationship between exposure to microbial volatile organic compound and allergy prevalence in single-family homes
Science of the total environment

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Assessment of vegetation effects on hydraulics and of feedbacks on plant survival and zonation in ephemeral channels
Hydrological processes

all 39 items...

human development (309)   
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Growth and weight status in treatment-naïve 12-16 year old adolescents with Alcohol Use Disorders in Cape Town, South Africa
Nutrition journal

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Quantities of foods consumed by 12- to 24-month-old New Zealand children
Nutrition and dietetics

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Temporal floristic variations as indicator of environmental changes in the Tiber River in Rome
Aquatic ecology

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A preliminary trial exploring perfume preferences in adolescent girls
Journal of sensory studies

all 309 items...

 (others) (6)   
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Planning for the Human Dimensions of Oil Spills and Spill Response
Environmental management

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Identification of Essential Food Skills for Skill-based Healthful Eating Programs in Secondary Schools
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

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Defining and using the concept of household: a systematic review
International journal of consumer studies

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Influence of multi-industrial activities on trace metal contamination: an approach towards surface water body in the vicinity of Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ)
Environmental monitoring and assessment

all 6 items...