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Habituation of Adult Magellanic Penguins to Human Visitation as Expressed through Behavior and Corticosterone Secretion | Conservation biology the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology |
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Evolution of a Mediterranean Coastal Zone: Human Impacts on the Marine Environment of Cape Creus | Environmental management |
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Measuring the Social Recreation Per-Day Net Benefit of the Wildlife Amenities of a National Park: A Count-Data Travel-Cost Approach | Environmental management |
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Determinants of Visitor Pro-Environmental Intentions on Two Small Greek Islands: Is Ecotourism Possible at Coastal Protected Areas? | Environmental management |
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Habitat selection of freshwater-dependent cetaceans and the potential effects of declining freshwater flows and sea-level rise in waterways of the Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh | Aquatic conservation marine and freshwater ecosystems |
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Isolation by distance within a river system: genetic population structuring of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in tributaries of the Varzuga River in northwest Russia | Molecular ecology |
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Research on environmental impacts of tourism in China: Progress and prospect | Journal of environmental management |
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Effects of tourist pressure and reproduction on physiological stress response in wildcats: management implications for species conservation | Wildlife research |
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Evaluation of the Environmentalist Dimension of Ecotourism at the Dadia Forest Reserve (Greece) | Environmental management |
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How to use sustainability indicators for tourism planning: The case of rural tourism in Andalusia (Spain) | Science of the total environment |
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From research to implementation: Nature conservation in the Eastern Rhodopes mountains (Greece and Bulgaria), European Green Belt | Journal for nature conservation |
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The indigenous ecotourism and social development in Taroko National Park area and San-Chan tribe, Taiwan | GeoJournal |
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Feeding patterns of sitatunga (Tragelaphus Speki) in the Rushebeya‐Kanyabaha wetland, south western Uganda | African journal of ecology |
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Interactions between dam‐regulated river flow and riparian groundwater: a case study from the Yellow River, China | Hydrological processes |
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Direct use values and passive use values: implications for conservation of large carnivores | Biodiversity and conservation |
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Tungiasis in a free-ranging jaguar (Panthera onca) population in Brazil | Parasitology research |
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Evaluating Tourist Perception of Environmental Changes as a Contribution to Managing Natural Resources in Glacierized Areas: A Case Study of the Forni Glacier (Stelvio National Park, Italian Alps) | Environmental management |
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The effect of land use change and ecotourism on biodiversity: a case study of Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, from 1985 to 2008 | Landscape ecology |
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Communicating old-growth forest through an educational trail | Biodiversity and conservation |
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Distribution of Economic Benefits from Ecotourism: A Case Study of Wolong Nature Reserve for Giant Pandas in China | Environmental management |
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Recreational diving impacts and the use of pre-dive briefings as a management strategy on Florida coral reefs | Journal of coastal conservation |
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“Turtle watching” conservation guidelines: green turtle (Chelonia mydas) tourism in nearshore coastal environments | Biodiversity and conservation |
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Rapid change of strategy is necessary for development of dromedary camel pastoralism in the Cholistan desert of Pakistan | Pastoralism |
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Changes in resident attitudes towards tourism development and conservation in the Okavango Delta, Botswana | Journal of environmental management |
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Users or producers of ecosystem services? A scenario exercise for integrating conservation and reindeer herding in northeast Finland | Pastoralism |
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Promoting community-based bird monitoring in the tropics: Conservation, research, environmental education, capacity-building, and local incomes | Biological conservation |
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Behavioural response of free-ranging guanacos (Lama guanicoe) to land-use change: habituation to motorised vehicles in a recently created reserve | Wildlife research |
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Managing Dive Tourism for the Sustainable Use of Coral Reefs: Validating Diver Perceptions of Attractive Site Features | Environmental management |
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Restoration of a tropical island: Cousine Island, Seychelles | Biodiversity and conservation |
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The realisation of tourism business opportunities adjacent to three national parks in southern Finland: entrepreneurs and local decision-makers matter | Forest policy and economics |
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Anthelmintic efficacy in captive wild impala antelope (Aepyceros melampus) in Lusaka, Zambia | Veterinary parasitology |
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Landscape practise and key concepts for landscape sustainability | Landscape ecology |
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The Tourism Carrying Capacity of Underwater Trails in Isabel Island National Park, Mexico | Environmental management |
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Balancing the benefits of ecotourism and development: The effects of visitor trail-use on mammals in a Protected Area in rapidly developing China | Biological conservation |
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Which are, what is their status and what can we expect from ecosystem services provided by Spanish rivers and riparian areas? | Biodiversity and conservation |
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Interactions Between Spatially Explicit Conservation and Management Measures: Implications for the Governance of Marine Protected Areas | Environmental management |
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Framing environmental policy by the local press: Case study from the Dadia Forest Reserve, Greece | Forest policy and economics |
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Designing a transfrontier conservation landscape for the Maputaland centre of endemism using biodiversity, economic and threat data | Biological conservation |
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Entrepreneurial attitude, innovation and performance among Norwegian nature-based tourism enterprises | Forest policy and economics |
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Ecotourism, conservation biology, and volunteer tourism: A mutually beneficial triumvirate | Biological conservation |