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Rural and Agricultural Sociology: leisure, recreation and tourism > tourism > ecotourism

40 results
Group by: Rural and Agricultural Sociology
(Click to View)
Habituation of Adult Magellanic Penguins to Human Visitation as Expressed through Behavior and Corticosterone Secretion
Conservation biology the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology

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Evolution of a Mediterranean Coastal Zone: Human Impacts on the Marine Environment of Cape Creus
Environmental management

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Measuring the Social Recreation Per-Day Net Benefit of the Wildlife Amenities of a National Park: A Count-Data Travel-Cost Approach
Environmental management

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Determinants of Visitor Pro-Environmental Intentions on Two Small Greek Islands: Is Ecotourism Possible at Coastal Protected Areas?
Environmental management

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Habitat selection of freshwater-dependent cetaceans and the potential effects of declining freshwater flows and sea-level rise in waterways of the Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh
Aquatic conservation marine and freshwater ecosystems

(Click to View)
Isolation by distance within a river system: genetic population structuring of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in tributaries of the Varzuga River in northwest Russia
Molecular ecology

(Click to View)
Research on environmental impacts of tourism in China: Progress and prospect
Journal of environmental management

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Effects of tourist pressure and reproduction on physiological stress response in wildcats: management implications for species conservation
Wildlife research

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Evaluation of the Environmentalist Dimension of Ecotourism at the Dadia Forest Reserve (Greece)
Environmental management

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How to use sustainability indicators for tourism planning: The case of rural tourism in Andalusia (Spain)
Science of the total environment

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From research to implementation: Nature conservation in the Eastern Rhodopes mountains (Greece and Bulgaria), European Green Belt
Journal for nature conservation

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The indigenous ecotourism and social development in Taroko National Park area and San-Chan tribe, Taiwan

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Feeding patterns of sitatunga (Tragelaphus Speki) in the Rushebeya‐Kanyabaha wetland, south western Uganda
African journal of ecology

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Interactions between dam‐regulated river flow and riparian groundwater: a case study from the Yellow River, China
Hydrological processes

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Direct use values and passive use values: implications for conservation of large carnivores
Biodiversity and conservation

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Tungiasis in a free-ranging jaguar (Panthera onca) population in Brazil
Parasitology research

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Evaluating Tourist Perception of Environmental Changes as a Contribution to Managing Natural Resources in Glacierized Areas: A Case Study of the Forni Glacier (Stelvio National Park, Italian Alps)
Environmental management

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The effect of land use change and ecotourism on biodiversity: a case study of Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, from 1985 to 2008
Landscape ecology

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Communicating old-growth forest through an educational trail
Biodiversity and conservation

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Distribution of Economic Benefits from Ecotourism: A Case Study of Wolong Nature Reserve for Giant Pandas in China
Environmental management

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Recreational diving impacts and the use of pre-dive briefings as a management strategy on Florida coral reefs
Journal of coastal conservation

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“Turtle watching” conservation guidelines: green turtle (Chelonia mydas) tourism in nearshore coastal environments
Biodiversity and conservation

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Rapid change of strategy is necessary for development of dromedary camel pastoralism in the Cholistan desert of Pakistan

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Changes in resident attitudes towards tourism development and conservation in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Journal of environmental management

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Users or producers of ecosystem services? A scenario exercise for integrating conservation and reindeer herding in northeast Finland

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Promoting community-based bird monitoring in the tropics: Conservation, research, environmental education, capacity-building, and local incomes
Biological conservation

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Behavioural response of free-ranging guanacos (Lama guanicoe) to land-use change: habituation to motorised vehicles in a recently created reserve
Wildlife research

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Managing Dive Tourism for the Sustainable Use of Coral Reefs: Validating Diver Perceptions of Attractive Site Features
Environmental management

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Restoration of a tropical island: Cousine Island, Seychelles
Biodiversity and conservation

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The realisation of tourism business opportunities adjacent to three national parks in southern Finland: entrepreneurs and local decision-makers matter
Forest policy and economics

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Anthelmintic efficacy in captive wild impala antelope (Aepyceros melampus) in Lusaka, Zambia
Veterinary parasitology

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Landscape practise and key concepts for landscape sustainability
Landscape ecology

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The Tourism Carrying Capacity of Underwater Trails in Isabel Island National Park, Mexico
Environmental management

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Balancing the benefits of ecotourism and development: The effects of visitor trail-use on mammals in a Protected Area in rapidly developing China
Biological conservation

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Which are, what is their status and what can we expect from ecosystem services provided by Spanish rivers and riparian areas?
Biodiversity and conservation

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Interactions Between Spatially Explicit Conservation and Management Measures: Implications for the Governance of Marine Protected Areas
Environmental management

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Framing environmental policy by the local press: Case study from the Dadia Forest Reserve, Greece
Forest policy and economics

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Designing a transfrontier conservation landscape for the Maputaland centre of endemism using biodiversity, economic and threat data
Biological conservation

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Entrepreneurial attitude, innovation and performance among Norwegian nature-based tourism enterprises
Forest policy and economics

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Ecotourism, conservation biology, and volunteer tourism: A mutually beneficial triumvirate
Biological conservation