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Rural and Agricultural Sociology: education

1878 items, grouped by Rural and Agricultural Sociology (view ungrouped items)

adult education (32)   
(Click to View)
Online Course Increases Nutrition Professionals' Knowledge, Skills, and Self-Efficacy in Using an Ecological Approach to Prevent Childhood Obesity
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

(Click to View)
Pediatric Obesity Management in Rural Clinics in California and the Role of Telehealth in Distance Education
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
Effect of method and clinician on stallion sperm morphology evaluation

(Click to View)
A cluster-randomised controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of different knowledge-transfer interventions for rural working equid users in Ethiopia
Preventive veterinary medicine

all 32 items...

agricultural education (77)   
(Click to View)
Strategies for scaling out impacts from agricultural systems change: the case of forages and livestock production in Laos
Agriculture and human values

(Click to View)
Fertilizer retailing in the Kenyan Highlands
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems

(Click to View)
Systems modeling by interdisciplinary teams: innovative approaches to distance education
Journal of natural resources and life sciences education

(Click to View)
Professional Educators' Access to Knowledge (PEAK) agricultural science for teachers and extension agents
Journal of natural resources and life sciences education

all 77 items...

career education (5)   
(Click to View)
Going rural but not staying long: Recruitment and retention issues for the rural dietetic workforce in Australia
Nutrition and dietetics

(Click to View)
Assessment of student and faculty experiences in a career orientation course
Journal of natural resources and life sciences education

(Click to View)
On the Relationship between the Student- Advisor Match and Early Career Research Productivity for Agricultural and Resource Economics Ph.D.s
American journal of agricultural economics

(Click to View)
Consulting Foresters' View of Professional Forestry Education
Journal of natural resources and life sciences education

all 5 items...

civic education (2)   
(Click to View)
Use and impacts of the river basin game in implementing integrated water resources management in Mkoji sub-catchment in Tanzania
Agricultural water management

(Click to View)
Place and civic culture: re-thinking the context for local agriculture
Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics

consumer education (36)   
(Click to View)
Consumer perception of irradiated fruit: a case study using choice-based conjoint analysis
Journal of sensory studies

(Click to View)
Reliability and Validity of a Questionnaire to Measure Consumer Knowledge Regarding Safe Practices to Prevent Microbiological Contamination in Restaurants
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

(Click to View)
A personal reflection on what is hot and happening in food technology
Nutrition bulletin

(Click to View)
A risk characterization model of Salmonella Typhimurium in Irish fresh pork sausages
Food research international

all 36 items...

cooking instruction (4)   
(Click to View)
WA health practitioners and cooking: How well do they mix
Nutrition and dietetics

(Click to View)
Survey of domestic food handling practices in New Zealand
International journal of food microbiology

(Click to View)
Can Recipe Search Engines Make You a Better Cook?
New York Times

(Click to View)
Newcomer to Food Television Tries for a Little Grit
New York Times

curriculum (60)   
(Click to View)
Physical activity and body composition outcomes of the GreatFun2Run intervention at 20 month follow-up
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity

(Click to View)
Registered dietitian's personal beliefs and characteristics predict their teaching or intention to teach fresh vegetable food safety

(Click to View)
Key Principles of Community-Based Natural Resource Management: A Synthesis and Interpretation of Identified Effective Approaches for Managing the Commons
Environmental management

(Click to View)
Exploratory Research to Design a School Nurse-Delivered Intervention to Treat Adolescent Overweight and Obesity
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

all 60 items...

dietetic education (17)   
(Click to View)
Dietetics students' perceptions and experiences of interprofessional education
Journal of human nutrition and dietetics

(Click to View)
Eating Disorder Nutrition Counseling: Strategies and Education Needs of English-Speaking Dietitians in Canada
Journal of the American Dietetic Association

(Click to View)
Continuing Education Needs of Registered Dietitians Regarding Nutrigenomics
Journal of the American Dietetic Association

(Click to View)
An investigation of obese adults' views of the outcomes of dietary treatment
Journal of human nutrition and dietetics

all 17 items...

distance education (15)   
(Click to View)
Online Course Increases Nutrition Professionals' Knowledge, Skills, and Self-Efficacy in Using an Ecological Approach to Prevent Childhood Obesity
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

(Click to View)
Pediatric Obesity Management in Rural Clinics in California and the Role of Telehealth in Distance Education
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
An interdisciplinary online certificate and masters program in agroforestry
Agroforestry systems

(Click to View)
Distance Learning in Support of Water Resources Management: An Online Course on Decision Support Systems in River Basin Management
Water resources management

all 15 items...

early childhood education (1)   
(Click to View)
Pre-school staffs' attitudes toward foods in relation to the pedagogic meal
International journal of consumer studies

education programs (133)   
(Click to View)
Farmers’ Concerns: A Qualitative Assessment to Plan Rural Medical Education
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
Implementing positive reinforcement animal training programs at primate laboratories
Applied animal behaviour science

(Click to View)
Sex, Age, and Race/Ethnicity Do Not Modify the Effectiveness of a Diet Intervention among Family Members of Hospitalized Cardiovascular Disease Patients
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

(Click to View)
Impacts of forest post thinning residues on soil chemistry, fauna and roots: Implications of residue removal in Finland
Applied soil ecology

all 133 items...

educational institutions (821)   
(Click to View)
Contrasting Community versus Population-Based Estimates of Grazing and Virus-Induced Mortality of Phytoplankton
Microbial ecology

(Click to View)
Direct and indirect effects of sociocultural influences on disordered eating among Malaysian male and female university students. A mediation analysis of psychological distress

(Click to View)
Development and evaluation of social cognitive measures related to adolescent dietary behaviors
international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity

(Click to View)
Early Effects of the Federally Mandated Local Wellness Policy on School Nutrition Environments Appear Modest in Colorado's Rural, Low-Income Elementary Schools
Journal of the American Dietetic Association

all 821 items...

educational methods (37)   
(Click to View)
Dietetics Students' Ability to Choose Appropriate Communication and Counseling Methods Is Improved by Teaching Behavior-Change Strategies in Computer-Assisted Instruction
Journal of the American Dietetic Association

(Click to View)
AN In‐house phantom as an alternative to commercially available doppler flow phantoms
Veterinary radiology and ultrasound

(Click to View)
Dietetics students' perceptions and experiences of interprofessional education
Journal of human nutrition and dietetics

(Click to View)
An Assessment of Nutrition Education in Selected Counties in New York State Elementary Schools (Kindergarten through Fifth Grade)
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

all 37 items...

educational policy (2)   
(Click to View)
Environmental Sampling for Salmonella spp. in Colorado Animal Shelters
Zoonoses and public health

(Click to View)
Encouraging fruit consumption in primary schoolchildren: a pilot study in North Wales, UK
Journal of human nutrition and dietetics

educational resources (49)   
(Click to View)
The Effect of a Recessionary Economy on Food Choice: Implications for Nutrition Education
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

(Click to View)
Pediatric Obesity Management in Rural Clinics in California and the Role of Telehealth in Distance Education
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
Description of 44 biosecurity errors while entering and exiting poultry barns based on video surveillance in Quebec, Canada
Preventive veterinary medicine

(Click to View)
Protecting livestock, protecting livelihoods: the Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS)

all 49 items...

educational status (247)   
(Click to View)
Economics, adoption determinants, and impacts of micro-irrigation technologies: empirical results from India
Irrigation science

(Click to View)
Active gaming in Dutch adolescents: a descriptive study
international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity

(Click to View)
Constraints on community engagement with Great Barrier Reef climate change reduction and mitigation
Global environmental change

(Click to View)
Estimation of dietary folic acid intake in three generations of females in Southern Spain

all 247 items...

elementary education (3)   
(Click to View)
Design and Testing of a Low-Cost Soil-Drying Oven
Vadose zone journal

(Click to View)
Factors of teacher beliefs related to integrating agriculture into elementary school classrooms
Agriculture and human values

(Click to View)
Effect of sensory education on school children's food perception: A 2-year follow-up study
Food quality and preference

environmental education (26)   
(Click to View)
Determinants of Visitor Pro-Environmental Intentions on Two Small Greek Islands: Is Ecotourism Possible at Coastal Protected Areas?
Environmental management

(Click to View)
Learning about Environments: The Significance of Primal Landscapes
Environmental management

(Click to View)
Evaluation of the Environmentalist Dimension of Ecotourism at the Dadia Forest Reserve (Greece)
Environmental management

(Click to View)
A Proposed Methodology to Assess the Quality of Public Use Management in Protected Areas
Environmental management

all 26 items...

extension education (76)   
(Click to View)
Goats for the poor: Some keys to successful promotion of goat production among the poor
Small ruminant research

(Click to View)
Economically viable land regeneration in Central Queensland and improved water quality outcomes for the Great Barrier Reef
Rangeland journal

(Click to View)
Understanding the complex impacts of drought: A key to enhancing drought mitigation and preparedness
Water resources management

(Click to View)
Evolution of agroforestry based farming systems: a study of Dhanusha District, Nepal
Agroforestry systems

all 76 items...

health education (39)   
(Click to View)
Giardiasis among different tribes of Orang Asli in Malaysia: Highlighting the presence of other family members infected with Giardia intestinalis as a main risk factor
International journal for parasitology

(Click to View)
What Role Can Child-Care Settings Play in Obesity Prevention? A Review of the Evidence and Call for Research Efforts
Journal of the American Dietetic Association

(Click to View)
The Andha Andhi Community Health Project, Nepal
Water and environment journal

(Click to View)
Investigation into the risk of exposure to antibiotic residues contaminating meat and egg in Ghana
Food control

all 39 items...

higher education (105)   
(Click to View)
Dietary availability patterns of the brazilian macro-regions
Nutrition journal

(Click to View)
Attitudes of local people towards collective action for forest management: the case of participatory forest management in Dodola area in the Bale Mountains, Southern Ethiopia
Biodiversity and conservation

(Click to View)
The Australian Food and Trust Survey: Demographic indicators associated with food safety and quality concerns
Food control

(Click to View)
Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency in US adults
Nutrition research

all 105 items...

medical education (21)   
(Click to View)
Farmers’ Concerns: A Qualitative Assessment to Plan Rural Medical Education
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
Abdominal and thoracic focused assessment with sonography for trauma, triage, and monitoring in small animals
Journal of veterinary emergency and critical care

(Click to View)
Factors That Influence Physicians to Practice in Rural Locations: A Review and Commentary
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
Clinical significance of visceral fat reduction through health education in preventing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease - Lesson from the Amagasaki Visceral Fat Study: A Japanese perspective
Nutrition and metabolism

all 21 items...

mentoring (5)   
(Click to View)
Making Capacity Building Meaningful: A Framework for Strategic Action
Environmental management

(Click to View)
Will there be another generation of reproductive scientists?
Animal reproduction science

(Click to View)
On the Relationship between the Student- Advisor Match and Early Career Research Productivity for Agricultural and Resource Economics Ph.D.s
American journal of agricultural economics

(Click to View)
Ten Time-Saving Tips for Undergraduate Research Mentors
Journal of natural resources and life sciences education

all 5 items...

nutrition education (196)   
(Click to View)
Food Group Categories of Low-income African American Women
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

(Click to View)
Prevalence of malnutrition and nutritional risk factors in patients undergoing alcohol and drug treatment

(Click to View)
The Effect of a Recessionary Economy on Food Choice: Implications for Nutrition Education
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

(Click to View)
Factors associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among adults
Journal of human nutrition and dietetics

all 196 items...

patient education (18)   
(Click to View)
Prevalence of malnutrition and nutritional risk factors in patients undergoing alcohol and drug treatment

(Click to View)
Position of the American Dietetic Association: Integration of Medical Nutrition Therapy and Pharmacotherapy
Journal of the American Dietetic Association

(Click to View)
Pediatric Obesity Management in Rural Clinics in California and the Role of Telehealth in Distance Education
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
Supporting healthy eating practices in a forensic psychiatry rehabilitation setting
Nutrition and dietetics

all 18 items...

professional education (19)   
(Click to View)
Dietetics students' perceptions and experiences of interprofessional education
Journal of human nutrition and dietetics

(Click to View)
Rural Primary Care Providers' Perceptions of Their Role in the Breast Cancer Care Continuum
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
Professional Educators' Access to Knowledge (PEAK) agricultural science for teachers and extension agents
Journal of natural resources and life sciences education

(Click to View)
The cottonship program: a partnership model designed to enhance undergraduate education
Journal of natural resources and life sciences education

all 19 items...

rural education and training (11)   
(Click to View)
Farmers’ Concerns: A Qualitative Assessment to Plan Rural Medical Education
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
Exercise Preference Patterns, Resources, and Environment Among Rural Breast Cancer Survivors
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
Talking About, Knowing About HIV/AIDS in Canada: A Rural-Urban Comparison
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
Admission Factors Predicting Family Medicine Specialty Choice: A Literature Review and Exploratory Study Among Students in the Rural Medical Scholars Program
Journal of rural health

all 11 items...

science education (23)   
(Click to View)
Students’ conceptions about the greenhouse effect, global warming, and climate change
Climatic change

(Click to View)
Development of a seal rehabilitation and marine science facility's seawater and life support system
Aquacultural engineering

(Click to View)
Adolescents Demonstrate Improvement in Obesity Risk Behaviors after Completion of Choice, Control & Change, a Curriculum Addressing Personal Agency and Autonomous Motivation
Journal of the American Dietetic Association

(Click to View)
Consumer education on the health benefits of red meat — A multidisciplinary approach
Food research international

all 23 items...

secondary education (29)   
(Click to View)
Horse-Related Injuries Among Agricultural Household Members: Regional Rural Injury Study II (RRIS-II)
Journal of rural health

(Click to View)
Identification of Essential Food Skills for Skill-based Healthful Eating Programs in Secondary Schools
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

(Click to View)
The Relationship between Body Mass Index and Body Size Dissatisfaction in Young Adolescents: Spline Function Analysis
Journal of the American Dietetic Association

(Click to View)
Assessment of community preference rankings of potential environmental effects of climate change using the method of paired comparisons
Climatic change

all 29 items...

teacher education (6)   
(Click to View)
Lunch Is In The Bag: Increasing Fruits, Vegetables, and Whole Grains in Sack Lunches of Preschool-Aged Children
Journal of the American Dietetic Association

(Click to View)
Evaluation of a School-based Multicomponent Nutrition Education Program to Improve Young Children's Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
Journal of nutrition education and behavior

(Click to View)
Assessment of a two-year school-based physical activity intervention among 7-9-year-old children
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity

(Click to View)
Prevention Educational Program of Human Rabies Transmitted by Bats in Rain Forest Preserved Area of Southern Brazilian Coast
Zoonoses and public health

all 6 items...

training (people) (40)   
(Click to View)
Behavior Analysis: The Science of Training
veterinary clinics of North America

(Click to View)
Eating environment in the aged-care residential setting in New Zealand: Promoters and barriers to achieving optimum nutrition. Observations of the foodservice, menu and meals
Nutrition and dietetics

(Click to View)
“Plantas con madre”: Plants that teach and guide in the shamanic initiation process in the East-Central Peruvian Amazon
Journal of ethnopharmacology

(Click to View)
Assessment of the methodological strategies adopted by food safety training programmes for food service workers: A systematic review
Food control

all 40 items...

veterinary education (7)   
(Click to View)
Features that contribute to the usefulness of low-fidelity models for surgical skills training
The veterinary record

(Click to View)
Teaching Bovine Rectal Palpation with Live Cows in the Slaughterhouse: Is it Worthwhile?
Reproduction in domestic animals

(Click to View)
Skills and competencies required by veterinary pharmacologists: a blueprint for graduate education in veterinary pharmacology in North America
Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics

(Click to View)
Exploring the foundations of population health and preventive medicine as essential elements for veterinary education
Preventive veterinary medicine

all 7 items...

 (others) (209)   
(Click to View)
Key Attributes Influence the Performance of Local Weed Management Programs in the Southwest United States
Rangeland ecology and management

(Click to View)
Land Use in Korean Tidal Wetlands: Impacts and Management Strategies
Environmental management

(Click to View)
Prevalence of Conservation Design in an Agriculture-Dominated Landscape: The Case of Northern Indiana
Environmental management

(Click to View)
A Un Anteproyecto para los Océanos: Implicaciones de Dos Reportes de Comisiones Nacionales para Practicantes de la Conservación
Conservation biology

all 209 items...