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Animal Science and Animal Products (group results)

Biological Sciences (group results)

Breeding and Genetic Improvement (group results)

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Farms and Farming Systems: all > agricultural management (group results)

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Rural and Agricultural Sociology (group results)

Taxa - Algae

Taxa - Animalia (group results)

Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria (group results)

Taxa - Fungi, Yeasts, Molds and Mildews (group results)

Taxa - Plantae (group results)

Taxa - Viruses and Viroids (group results)

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Farms and Farming Systems: agricultural management

3309 items, grouped by Taxa - Algae (view ungrouped items)

Bacillariophyta (1)   
(Click to View)
Predicting the impact of changing nutrient load and temperature on the phytoplankton of England’s largest lake, Windermere
Freshwater biology

Pyrrophycophyta (1)   
(Click to View)
Effects of nitrogen supply and its composition on the growth of Prorocentrum donghaiense
Harmful algae

Rhodophycota (1)   
(Click to View)
Seasonal variations of water column nutrients in the inner area of Ariake Bay, Japan: the role of muddy sediments
Environmental monitoring and assessment