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Taxa - Algae: Charophyta

Items 1 to 40 of 64 results
Group by: Taxa - Algae
(Click to View)
Zinc ions block H+/OH‐ channels in Chara australis
Plant, cell and environment

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Iron addition as a shallow lake restoration measure: impacts on charophyte growth

(Click to View)
Differing temporal patterns of Chara hornemannii cover correlate to alternate regimes of phytoplankton and submerged aquatic-vegetation dominance
Marine and freshwater research

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Loss of Stability: A New Look at the Physics of Cell Wall Behavior during Plant Cell Growth
Plant physiology

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Photosynthetic recovery following desiccation of desert green algae (Chlorophyta) and their aquatic relatives
Plant, cell and environment

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Assessment in two shallow lakes of a hydroacoustic system for surveying aquatic macrophytes

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Using the landscape morphometric context to resolve spatial patterns of submerged macrophyte communities in a fluvial lake
Landscape ecology

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An environmental assessment of a small shallow lake (Little Black Lake, MI) threatened by urbanization
Environmental monitoring and assessment

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Ecophysiology of the hypotonic response in the salt-tolerant charophyte alga Lamprothamnium papulosum
Plant, cell and environment

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Estimating environmental flow requirements downstream of the Chara Chara weir on the Blue Nile River
Hydrological processes

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Periplasm Turgor Pressure Controls Wall Deposition and Assembly in Growing Chara corallina Cells
Annals of botany

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Petroleum coke and soft tailings sediment in constructed wetlands may contribute to the uptake of trace metals by algae and aquatic invertebrates
Science of the total environment

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Incorporating invasive weeds into a plant indicator method (LakeSPI) to assess lake ecological condition

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Evaluation of a reduced-tillering (tin) gene in wheat lines grown across different production environments
Crop and pasture science

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Effects of nutrient availability and temperature on phytoplankton development: a case study from large lakes south of the Alps
Aquatic sciences

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Mechano-perception in Chara cells: the influence of salinity and calcium on touch-activated receptor potentials, action potentials and ion transport
Plant, cell and environment

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Liverwort genomes display extensive structural variations
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society

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Shifting cultivation effects on creek water quality around Barkal Upazila in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
Journal of forestry research

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Classifying aquatic macrophytes as indicators of eutrophication in European lakes
Aquatic ecology

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Effect of magnesium on charophytes calcification: implications for phosphorus speciation stored in biomass and sediment in Myall Lake (Australia)

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Submerged Macrophyte Responses to Reduced Phosphorus Concentrations in Two Peri‐Urban Lakes
Restoration ecology

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Ornamental lakes -- an overlooked conservation resource
Aquatic conservation marine and freshwater ecosystems

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Movement patterns and habitat use of three declining littoral fish species in a north-temperate mesotrophic lake

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High resolution scanning electron microscopy of plasmodesmata

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Oxidative gating of water channels (aquaporins) in corn roots
Plant, cell and environment

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The charophycean green algae provide insights into the early origins of plant cell walls
The plant journal

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XET Activity is Found Near Sites of Growth and Cell Elongation in Bryophytes and Some Green Algae: New Insights into the Evolution of Primary Cell Wall Elongation
Annals of botany

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Involvement of protein synthesis in recovery from refractory period of electrical depolarization induced by osmotic stimulation in Chara corallina
Journal of plant research

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Anisotropic viscosity of the Chara (Characeae) rhizoid cytoplasm
American journal of botany

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The role of barriers and gradients in differentiation processes of pyrgulinid microgastropods of Lake Ohrid

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Distribution differences and active habitat choices of invertebrates between macrophytes of different morphological complexity
Aquatic ecology

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Klebsormidium flaccidum, a charophycean green alga, exhibits cold acclimation that is closely associated with compatible solute accumulation and ultrastructural changes
Plant, cell and environment

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Influence of substrate preference and complexity on co-existence of two non-native gammarideans (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
Aquatic ecology

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Nuclear DNA Content Estimates in Green Algal Lineages: Chlorophyta and Streptophyta
Annals of botany

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Accuracy assessment of supervised classification of submersed macrophytes: the case of the Gavaraget region of Lake Sevan, Armenia

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Identification of Important Regions for Ethylene Binding and Signaling in the Transmembrane Domain of the ETR1 Ethylene Receptor of Arabidopsis
The plant cell

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Structure and development of the sex organs in Tolypella nidifica (O. Müll.) A.Br. (Characeae)
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society

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The interactive effects of irradiance and photoperiod on Chara vulgaris L.: concerted responses in morphology, physiology, and reproduction

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Artificial neural networks (ANN) approach for modeling of removal of Lanaset Red G on Chara contraria
Bioresource technology

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Mechanisms affecting biomass and distribution of charophytes and Najas marina in Myall Lake, New South Wales, Australia