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Taxa - Animalia: all > Nematoda

Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria

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Economics, Business and Industry: products and commodities > byproducts
Taxa - Animalia: Nematoda

8 items, grouped by Taxa - Animalia (view ungrouped items)

Meloidogynidae (3)   
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Protective and curative effect of neem (Azadirachta indica) formulations on the development of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica in roots of tomato plants
Crop protection

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Integrated approaches to understanding and managing Meloidogyne hapla populations' parasitic variability
Crop protection

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Control of root-knot nematodes in organic farming systems by organic amendments and soil solarization
Crop protection

Onchocercidae (1)   
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Peritrophic matrix formation and Brugia malayi microfilaria invasion of the midgut of a susceptible vector, Ochlerotatus togoi (Diptera: Culicidae)
Parasitology research

Pratylenchidae (1)   
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Effects of four organic amendments on banana parasitic nematodes and soil nematode communities
Applied soil ecology

Rhabditidae (2)   
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Significant damageā€rescuing effects of wood vinegar extract in living Caenorhabditis elegans under oxidative stress
Journal of the science of food and agriculture

(Click to View)
Nematode responses to biosolids incorporation in five soil types
Biology and fertility of soils

 (others) (1)   
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Short-term effects of organic waste amendments on soil biota: responses of soil food web under eggplant cultivation
Soil research