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Taxa - Animalia: Nematoda

The current query selects 1751 items in 68 groups, which could be too many to show at once. If you are sure you want to see them all, you can proceed to see the entire category, 'or select a more specific subcategory of "Nematoda" below.

Subcategories in Taxa - AnimaliaNematoda:
(jump to A - B - C - D - G - H - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T)
- A -
Acuariidae (1)
Allantonematidae (1)
Amidostomatidae (1)
Ancylostomatidae (61)
Angiostrongylidae (48)
Anguillicolidae (3)
Anguinidae (14)
Anisakidae (39)
Aphelenchidae (2)
Aphelenchoididae (65)
Ascarididae (153)
- B -
Belonolaimidae (3)
- C -
Camallanidae (5)
Cephalobidae (9)
Chabertiidae (32)
Cosmocercidae (1)
Crenosomatidae (5)
Criconematidae (5)
- D -
Desmoscolecidae (1)
Dictyocaulidae (17)
Dioctophymatidae (3)
Dolichodoridae (8)
Dracunculidae (5)
- G -
Gnathostomatidae (4)
Gongylonematidae (1)
- H -
Habronematidae (5)
Heligmonellidae (5)
Heligmosomidae (4)
Heterakidae (8)
Heteroderidae (117)
Heterorhabditidae (64)
Heteroxynematidae (1)
Hoplolaimidae (20)
- K -
Kathlaniidae (1)
- L -
Longidoridae (22)
- M -
Meloidogynidae (193)
Mermithidae (3)
Metastrongylidae (7)
Molineidae (22)
Monhysteridae (1)
- N -
Neotylenchidae (1)
- O -
Onchocercidae (111)
Oxyuridae (13)
- P -
Panagrolaimidae (15)
Paratylenchidae (3)
Philometridae (3)
Physalopteridae (6)
Plectidae (2)
Pratylenchidae (52)
Protostrongylidae (6)
- R -
Rhabditidae (114)
Rhabdochonidae (1)
Rictulariidae (1)
- S -
Sphaerulariidae (2)
Spirocercidae (14)
Steinernematidae (76)
Strongylidae (48)
Strongyloididae (27)
Subuluridae (1)
Syngamidae (3)
- T -
Tetrameridae (2)
Thelaziidae (2)
Trichinellidae (96)
Trichodoridae (8)
Trichostrongylidae (287)
Trichuridae (74)
Tylenchidae (3)
Tylenchulidae (7)