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Taxa - Animalia: Nematoda > Dictyocaulidae

17 results
Group by: Taxa - Animalia
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Efficacy of a combined oral formulation of derquantel–abamectin against the adult and larval stages of nematodes in sheep, including anthelmintic-resistant strains
Veterinary parasitology

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Transcriptional differences between hypobiotic and non-hypobiotic preadult larvae of the bovine lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus
Parasitology research

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Protostrongylid infection in meat sheep from Northwestern Spain: Prevalence and risk factors
Veterinary parasitology

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Diseases of red deer introduced to Patagonia and implications for native ungulates
Animal production science

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Therapeutic efficacy of eprinomectin extended-release injection against induced infections of developing (fourth-stage larvae) and adult nematode parasites of cattle
Veterinary parasitology

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In vitro studies on the sexual maturation of the bovine lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus during the development of preadult larvae to adult worms
Parasitology research

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Nematode burdens of pastured cattle treated once at turnout with eprinomectin extended-release injection
Veterinary parasitology

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Reevaluation of efficacy against nematode parasites and pharmacokinetics of topical eprinomectin in cattle
Parasitology research

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Gastrointestinal parasites of working donkeys of Ethiopia
Tropical plant biology

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Failure to eradicate the lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus on dairy farms by a single mass-treatment before turnout
Veterinary parasitology

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Revision of chamois infection by lung nematodes under ecological conditions of national parks of Slovakia with respect to ongoing global climate changes

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Optimization of in-house ELISA based on recombinant major sperm protein (rMSP) of Dictyocaulus viviparus for the detection of lungworm infection in cattle
Research in veterinary science

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The efficacy of eprinomectin extended-release injection against naturally acquired nematode parasites of cattle, with special regard to inhibited fourth-stage Ostertagia larvae
Veterinary parasitology

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An eprinomectin extended-release injection formulation providing nematode control in cattle for up to 150 days
Veterinary parasitology

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Comparative Efficacy of Trichlorphon and Trichlorphon/Ivermectin Combination Treatment against Anthelmintic-Resistant Cattle Nematodes in Argentina
Parasitology research

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The value of a bulk-tank milk ELISA and individual serological and faecal examination for diagnosing (sub)clinical Dictyocaulus viviparus infection in dairy cows
Veterinary parasitology

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The health of wild red and sika deer in Scotland: An analysis of key endoparasites and recommendations for monitoring disease
Veterinary journal