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Bitylenchus (1) |
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Composition and vertical distribution of free living and plant parasitic nematodes in hop gardens in the Czech Republic | Helminthologia |
Geocenamus (2) |
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Composition and vertical distribution of free living and plant parasitic nematodes in hop gardens in the Czech Republic | Helminthologia |
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Geocenamus brevidens Associated with Reduced Yield of No-Till Annual Spring Wheat in Oregon | Plant disease |
Merlinius (2) |
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Composition and vertical distribution of free living and plant parasitic nematodes in hop gardens in the Czech Republic | Helminthologia |
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Investigating the Presence of Biotic Agents Associated with Mundulla Yellows | Plant disease |
Tylenchorhynchus (6) |
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Plantāparasitic nematodes of Croatia1 | EPPO bulletin |
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Assessment of Predacity and Efficacy of Arthrobotrys dactyloides for Biological Control of Root Knot Disease of Tomato | Phytopathologische Zeitschrift |
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Comparing methyl bromide alternatives for soilborne disease, nematode and weed management in fresh market tomato | Crop protection |
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Geocenamus brevidens Associated with Reduced Yield of No-Till Annual Spring Wheat in Oregon | Plant disease |
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Use of Entomopathogenic Nematodes and Thyme Oil to Suppress Plant-Parasitic Nematodes on English Boxwood | Plant disease |
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Interactions between root-feeding nematodes depend on plant species identity | Soil biology and biochemistry |