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Taxa - Animalia: Nematoda > Hoplolaimidae

20 items, grouped by Taxa - Animalia (view ungrouped items)

Basirolaimus (1)   
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Assessment of Predacity and Efficacy of Arthrobotrys dactyloides for Biological Control of Root Knot Disease of Tomato
Phytopathologische Zeitschrift

Helicotylenchus (11)   
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Effect of a multispecies nematode population on the root, corm, and shoot growth of East African Musa genotypes
Biology and fertility of soils

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Effects of crumb rubber waste as a soil conditioner on the nematode assemblage in a turfgrass soil
Applied soil ecology

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Niche partitioning based on soil type and climate at the landscape scale in a community of plant-feeding nematodes
Soil biology and biochemistry

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Composition and vertical distribution of free living and plant parasitic nematodes in hop gardens in the Czech Republic

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The main parasitic nematodes on agricultural crops in Albania and their control1
EPPO bulletin

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Plant‐parasitic nematodes of Croatia1
EPPO bulletin

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Responses of nematode‐community structure in turfgrass soil to microbial filtrates from municipal–solid waste compost
Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde

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Nitrogen and potassium fertilizer vs. nematode ad weevil effects on yield and foliar nutrient status of banana in Uganda
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems

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Relationships between Burkholderia populations and plant parasitic nematodes in sugarcane
Applied soil ecology

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Responses of root-feeding nematodes (Helicotylenchus spp.) to local and non-local populations of the host plant Ammophila arenaria
Applied soil ecology

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Modelling pest dynamics of new crop cultivars: The FB920 banana with the Helicotylenchus multicinctus-Radopholus similis nematode complex in Martinique
Crop protection

Hoplolaimus (2)   
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Quantifying the Effects of Lance Nematode Parasitism in Creeping Bentgrass
Plant disease

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Use of Entomopathogenic Nematodes and Thyme Oil to Suppress Plant-Parasitic Nematodes on English Boxwood
Plant disease

Rotylenchulus (6)   
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Identification and genomic location of a reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) resistance locus (Ren ari ) introgressed from Gossypium aridum into upland cotton (G. hirsutum)
Theoretical and applied genetics

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Plant‐parasitic nematodes of Croatia1
EPPO bulletin

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Potato cyst nematodes in the Canary Islands: an epidemiologic model for the Mediterranean region1
EPPO bulletin

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Reniform Nematode Resistance in Upland Cotton Germplasm
Crop science

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SSR Mapping and Confirmation of Soybean QTL from PI 437654 Conditioning Resistance to Reniform Nematode
Crop science

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Nematicidal prenylated flavanones from Phyllanthus niruri

Rotylenchus (3)   
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The main parasitic nematodes on agricultural crops in Albania and their control1
EPPO bulletin

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Plant‐parasitic nematodes of Croatia1
EPPO bulletin

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Responses of nematode‐community structure in turfgrass soil to microbial filtrates from municipal–solid waste compost
Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde

Scutellonema (1)   
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The yam nematode (Scutellonema bradys), a potential threat to potato (Solanum tuberosum) production in West Africa
Plant pathology