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Taxa - Animalia: Nematoda > Molineidae

22 items, grouped by Taxa - Animalia (view ungrouped items)

Nematodirus (21)   
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Efficacy of a combined oral formulation of derquantel–abamectin against the adult and larval stages of nematodes in sheep, including anthelmintic-resistant strains
Veterinary parasitology

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Therapeutic efficacy of eprinomectin extended-release injection against induced infections of developing (fourth-stage larvae) and adult nematode parasites of cattle
Veterinary parasitology

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Targeted flock/herd and individual ruminant treatment approaches
Veterinary parasitology

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Nematode burdens of pastured cattle treated once at turnout with eprinomectin extended-release injection
Veterinary parasitology

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Reevaluation of efficacy against nematode parasites and pharmacokinetics of topical eprinomectin in cattle
Parasitology research

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Persistent efficacy and production benefits following use of extended-release injectable eprinomectin in grazing beef cattle under field conditions
Veterinary parasitology

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Efficacy of an energy block containing Duddingtonia flagrans in the control of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep
Parasitology research

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The Efficacy of Trichlorphon and Naphthalophos against Multiple Anthelmintic-Resistant Nematodes of Naturally Infected Sheep in Argentina
Parasitology research

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Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths, lungworms and liver fluke in sheep and goats in Norway
Veterinary parasitology

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Towards finding effective indicators (diarrhoea and anaemia scores and weight gains) for the implementation of targeted selective treatment against the gastro-intestinal nematodes in lambs in a steppic environment
Veterinary parasitology

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Association between variation in faecal egg count for a mixed field-challenge of nematode parasites and ovine MHC-DQA2 polymorphism
Veterinary immunology and immunopathology

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The efficacy of eprinomectin extended-release injection against naturally acquired nematode parasites of cattle, with special regard to inhibited fourth-stage Ostertagia larvae
Veterinary parasitology

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Breeding management in goat farms of Lombardy, northern Italy: Risk factors connected to gastrointestinal parasites
Small ruminant research

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A report on the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in yaks (Bos poephagus) in the cold desert area of North Sikkim, India
Tropical plant biology

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Comparative Efficacy of Trichlorphon and Trichlorphon/Ivermectin Combination Treatment against Anthelmintic-Resistant Cattle Nematodes in Argentina
Parasitology research

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Observations on the epidemiology of autumn nematodirosis in weaned lambs in a Scottish sheep flock
The veterinary record

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Gastrointestinal nematode infections in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from the NW of the Iberian Peninsula: Assessment of some risk factors
Veterinary parasitology

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Intra-phylum and inter-phyla associations among gastrointestinal parasites in two wild mammal species
Parasitology research

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First description of gastrointestinal nematodes of Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia): the case of Camelostrongylus mentulatus as a paradigm of phylogenic and specific relationship between the parasite and its ancient host
Veterinary research communications

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Integrated control of gastrointestinal nematodes in lambs using a bioactive feed×breed approach
Veterinary parasitology

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Quantitative trait loci associated with parasitic infection in Scottish Blackface sheep

Ollulanus (1)   
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Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Chronic Gastritis in Two Related Persian Cats
Veterinary pathology