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Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria: Archaea

448 items, grouped by Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria (view ungrouped items)

Crenarchaeota (51)   
(Click to View)
Global distribution and diversity of coral-associated Archaea and their possible role in the coral holobiont nitrogen cycle
Environmental microbiology

(Click to View)
Active Archaeal Communities at Cold Seep Sediments Populated by Siboglinidae Tubeworms from the Storegga Slide
Microbial ecology

(Click to View)
Microbial diversity and biogeochemistry of the Guaymas Basin deep-sea hydrothermal plume
Environmental microbiology

(Click to View)
Crenarchaeota affiliated with group 1.1b are prevalent in coastal mineral soils of the Ross Sea region of Antarctica
Environmental microbiology

all 51 items...

Euryarchaeota (232)   
(Click to View)
Halophilic archaea in the human intestinal mucosa
Environmental microbiology

(Click to View)
Phylogenetic Diversity and Axial Distribution of Microbes in the Intestinal Tract of the Polychaete Neanthes glandicincta
Microbial ecology

(Click to View)
Characterization of the Prokaryotic Diversity in Cold Saline Perennial Springs of the Canadian High Arctic
Applied and environmental microbiology AEM

(Click to View)
Temporal variation in methanogenic community structure and methane production potential of tropical rice ecosystem
Soil biology and biochemistry

all 232 items...

 (others) (188)   
(Click to View)
An oligonucleotide prokaryotic acidophile microarray: its validation and its use to monitor seasonal variations in extreme acidic environments with total environmental RNA
Environmental microbiology

(Click to View)
Murein and pseudomurein cell wall binding domains of bacteria and archaea—a comparative view
Applied microbiology and biotechnology.

(Click to View)
Assimilation of methane and inorganic carbon by microbial communities mediating the anaerobic oxidation of methane
Environmental microbiology

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Influence of support material properties on the potential selection of Archaea during initial adhesion of a methanogenic consortium
Bioresource technology

all 188 items...