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Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria: Archaea > Euryarchaeota > Methanomicrobiales

Items 1 to 40 of 54 results
Group by: Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria
(Click to View)
Phylogenetic Diversity and Axial Distribution of Microbes in the Intestinal Tract of the Polychaete Neanthes glandicincta
Microbial ecology

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Temporal variation in methanogenic community structure and methane production potential of tropical rice ecosystem
Soil biology and biochemistry

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Microbial community dynamics associated with biomass granulation in low-temperature (15°C) anaerobic wastewater treatment bioreactors
Bioresource technology

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Stratification of Archaeal communities in shallow sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, Southern China
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

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Diversity of methanogenic archaeal communities in Japanese paddy field ecosystem, estimated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
Biology and fertility of soils

(Click to View)
Characteristic microbial community of a dry thermophilic methanogenic digester: its long-term stability and change with feeding
Applied microbiology and biotechnology.

(Click to View)
Comparison of non-agitated and agitated batch, thermophilic anaerobic digestion of sugarbeet tailings
Bioresource technology

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Dynamic Transition of a Methanogenic Population in Response to the Concentration of Volatile Fatty Acids in a Thermophilic Anaerobic Digester
Applied and environmental microbiology AEM

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Analyses of n-alkanes degrading community dynamics of a high-temperature methanogenic consortium enriched from production water of a petroleum reservoir by a combination of molecular techniques

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Microbial community structure and dynamics during anaerobic digestion of various agricultural waste materials
Applied microbiology and biotechnology

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Prokaryotic diversity and dynamics in a full-scale municipal solid waste anaerobic reactor from start-up to steady-state conditions
Bioresource technology

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Distribution of methanogenic potential in fractions of turf grass used as inoculum for the start-up of thermophilic anaerobic digestion
Bioresource technology

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Bacterial and archaeal phylogenetic diversity associated with swine sludge from an anaerobic treatment lagoon
World journal of microbiology and biotechnology

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Molecular Diversity of Methanogens in Feedlot Cattle from Ontario and Prince Edward Island, Canada
Applied and environmental microbiology AEM

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Impact of protein-, lipid- and cellulose-containing complex substrates on biogas production and microbial communities in batch experiments
Science of the total environment

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Methanogenic toluene metabolism: community structure and intermediates
Environmental microbiology

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Effect of classic methanogenic inhibitors on the quantity and diversity of archaeal community and the reductive homoacetogenic activity during the process of anaerobic sludge digestion
Bioresource technology

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Methane and methanogen community dynamics across a boreal peatland nutrient gradient
Soil biology and biochemistry

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Methanogen community in Zoige wetland of Tibetan plateau and phenotypic characterization of a dominant uncultured methanogen cluster ZC-I
Environmental microbiology

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Evaluation of stable isotope fingerprinting techniques for the assessment of the predominant methanogenic pathways in anaerobic digesters
Applied microbiology and biotechnology

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Effects of the earthworm Eisenia andrei on methanogens in a cattle-impacted soil: A microcosm study
European journal of soil biology

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Analysis of Rumen Methanogen Diversity in Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Under Three Different Diets
Microbial ecology

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Diversity of Archaea in Marine Sediments from Skan Bay, Alaska, Including Cultivated Methanogens, and Description of Methanogenium boonei sp. nov
Applied and environmental microbiology AEM

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Effects of drought on the archaeal community in soil of the Zoige wetlands of the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau
European journal of soil biology

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Trophic links between fermenters and methanogens in a moderately acidic fen soil
Environmental microbiology

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Biogeochemistry and biodiversity of methane cycling in subsurface marine sediments (Skagerrak, Denmark)
Environmental microbiology

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Methanogen genotypes involved in methane formation during anaerobic decomposition of Microcystis blooms at different temperatures
World journal of microbiology and biotechnology

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Activated zeolite—suitable carriers for microorganisms in anaerobic digestion processes?
Applied microbiology and biotechnology

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Investigation of methanogen population structure in biogas reactor by molecular characterization of methyl-coenzyme M reductase A (mcrA) genes
Bioresource technology

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Bioreactor performance and methanogenic population dynamics in a low-temperature (5–18°C) anaerobic fixed-bed reactor
Bioresource technology

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Impact of temperature, microwave radiation and organic loading rate on methanogenic community and biogas production during fermentation of dairy wastewater
Bioresource technology

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Bacteria and archaea involved in anaerobic digestion of distillers grains with solubles
Applied microbiology and biotechnology.

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Qualitative and quantitative assessment of microbial community in batch anaerobic digestion of secondary sludge
Bioresource technology

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The quantitative significance of Syntrophaceae and syntrophic partnerships in methanogenic degradation of crude oil alkanes
Environmental microbiology

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Insights into networks of functional microbes catalysing methanization of cellulose under mesophilic conditions
Environmental microbiology

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Identity and diversity of archaeal communities during anaerobic co-digestion of chicken feathers and other animal wastes
Bioresource technology

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Functional and structural response of the methanogenic microbial community in rice field soil to temperature change
Environmental microbiology

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Shift from Acetoclastic to H₂-Dependent Methanogenesis in a West Siberian Peat Bog at Low pH Values and Isolation of an Acidophilic Methanobacterium Strain
Applied and environmental microbiology AEM

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Dynamic transition of microbial communities in response to acidification in fixed-bed anaerobic baffled reactors (FABR) of two different flow directions
Bioresource technology

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Characterization of the bacterial archaeal diversity in hydrocarbon-contaminated soil
Science of the total environment