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Halophilic archaea in the human intestinal mucosa | Environmental microbiology |
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Characterization of the Prokaryotic Diversity in Cold Saline Perennial Springs of the Canadian High Arctic | Applied and environmental microbiology AEM |
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Archaeal Diversity at the Great Salt Plains of Oklahoma Described by Cultivation and Molecular Analyses | Microbial ecology |
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Biodenitrification of concentrated red beet juice | European food research and technology |
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Construction and Characterization of a Gradually Inducible Expression Vector for Halobacterium salinarum, Based on the kdp Promoter | Applied and environmental microbiology AEM. |
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Archaeal diversity along a subterranean salt core from the Salar Grande (Chile) | Environmental microbiology |
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Improving polyhydroxyalkanoate production by knocking out the genes involved in exopolysaccharide biosynthesis in Haloferax mediterranei | Applied microbiology and biotechnology |
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Culturable halophilic archaea at the initial and crystallization stages of salt production in a natural solar saltern of Goa, India | Aquatic biosystems |
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Tantalizing evidence for caspase-like protein expression and activity in the cellular stress response of Archaea | Environmental microbiology |
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Development of pyrF-based gene knockout systems for genome-wide manipulation of the archaea Haloferax mediterranei and Haloarcula hispanica | Journal of genetics and genomics |
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Molecular Characterization of the phaECHm Genes, Required for Biosynthesis of Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) in the Extremely Halophilic Archaeon Haloarcula marismortui | Applied and environmental microbiology AEM |
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Halophilic Archaea determined from geothermal steam vent aerosols | Environmental microbiology |
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Oil phytoremediation potential of hypersaline coasts of the Arabian Gulf using rhizosphere technology | Bioresource technology |
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Protein glycosylation as an adaptive response in Archaea: growth at different salt concentrations leads to alterations in Haloferax volcanii S‐layer glycoprotein N‐glycosylation | Environmental microbiology |
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Influence of nutritive factors on C₅₀ carotenoids production by Haloferax mediterranei ATCC 33500 with two-stage cultivation | Bioresource technology |
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Lateral gene transfer occurring in haloarchaea: an interpretative imitation study | World journal of microbiology and biotechnology |
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Microbial Diversity in Water and Sediment of Lake Chaka, an Athalassohaline Lake in Northwestern China | Applied and environmental microbiology AEM |
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Optimization of growth media for obtaining high-cell density cultures of halophilic archaea (family Halobacteriaceae) by response surface methodology | Bioresource technology |
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Temperature‐dependent global gene expression in the Antarctic archaeon Methanococcoides burtonii | Environmental microbiology |
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Glucose inhibits the formation of gas vesicles in Haloferax volcanii transformants | Environmental microbiology |
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An ATP‐driven potassium pump promotes long‐term survival of Halobacterium salinarum within salt crystals | Environmental microbiology reports |
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Distribution of Cren- and Euryarchaeota in Scots Pine Mycorrhizospheres and Boreal Forest Humus | Microbial ecology |
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Identification of carotenoids with high antioxidant capacity produced by extremophile microorganisms | World journal of microbiology and biotechnology |
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Aromatic Hydrocarbon Degradation by Halophilic Archaea Isolated from Çamaltı Saltern, Turkey | Water, air, and soil pollution |
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Molecular Ecology Techniques Reveal Both Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Diversity of Archaeal Communities within the Athalassohaline Environment of Rambla Salada, Spain | Microbial ecology |
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Halobellus rarus sp. nov., a halophilic archaeon from an inland salt lake of China | Antonie van Leeuwenhoek |
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Halorubrum rubrum sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a Chinese salt lake | Antonie van Leeuwenhoek |
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Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates from inexpensive extruded rice bran and starch by Haloferax mediterranei | Journal of industrial microbiology and biotechnology |
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A dendrogram of archaea based on lipid component parts composition and its relationship to rRNA phylogeny | Systematic and applied microbiology |