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Biological Sciences: biogeography

2263 items, grouped by Taxa - Plantae (view ungrouped items)

Bryopsida (12)   
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Australasian bryogeography: fact, fallacy and fantasy
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society

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Effect of fragmentation on the community structure of epixylic bryophytes in Atlantic Forest remnants in the Northeast of Brazil
Biodiversity and conservation

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Diversity, dispersal and biogeography of bryophytes (mosses)
Biodiversity and conservation

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Bryophyte dispersal inferred from colonization of an introduced substratum on Whiteface Mountain, New York
American journal of botany

all 12 items...

Coniferophyta (120)   
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Fine-resolution assessment of potential refugia for a dominant fir species (Abies mariesii) of subalpine coniferous forests after climate change
Plant ecology

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Growth, survival, and genetic variability of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) seedlings in response to water deficit
New forests

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Challenges in modelling the abundance of 105 tree species in eastern North America using climate, edaphic, and topographic variables
Forest ecology and management

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Phylogeny and Biogeography of Cedrus (Pinaceae) Inferred from Sequences of Seven Paternal Chloroplast and Maternal Mitochondrial DNA Regions
Annals of botany

all 120 items...

Cycadopsida (2)   
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Population genetics and conservation of critically small cycad populations: a case study of the Albany Cycad, Encephalartos latifrons (Lehmann)
Biological journal of the Linnean Society

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Geographical variation in cone volatile composition among populations of the African cycad Encephalartos villosus
Biological journal of the Linnean Society

Filicopsida (10)   
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Phenolic chemotaxonomy and phytogeography of Adiantum
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society

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Phylogeographic analysis reveals two cryptic species of the endangered fern Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn. (Parkeriaceae) in China
Conservation genetics

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Reintroduction of the endangered fern species Woodsia ilvensis to Estonia: a long-term pilot study
Biodiversity and conservation

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The taxonomy and phytogeography of bracken--a review
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society

all 10 items...

Gnetopsida (1)   
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Welwitschiaceae from the Lower Cretaceous of northeastern Brazil. [Erratum: 2005 Dec., v. 92, no. 12, p. 1957.]
American journal of botany

Magnoliophyta (632)   
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Species interactions contribute to the success of a global plant invader
Biological invasions

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The effect of drought on C and N stable isotopes in different fractions of leaves, stems and roots of sensitive and tolerant beech ecotypes
Plant, cell and environment

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Host Selectivity and Genetic Variation of Discula umbrinella Isolates from Two Oak Species: Analyses of Intergenic Spacer Region Sequences of Ribosomal DNA
Microbial ecology

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Genetic Delineation of Local Provenance in Persoonia longifolia: Implications for Seed Sourcing for Ecological Restoration
Restoration ecology

all 632 items...

Sphagnopsida (3)   
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Mineral nutrient economy in competing species of Sphagnum mosses
Ecological research

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The Afromontane Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of the Rwenzori (Uganda–D. R. Congo): taxonomy, ecology and biogeography

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Rearrangement of bacterial community structure during peat diagenesis
Soil biology and biochemistry