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Taxa - Archaea, Cyanobacteria and Bacteria: Archaea > Euryarchaeota

232 items, grouped by Taxa - Plantae (view ungrouped items)

Coniferophyta (2)   
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Distribution of Cren- and Euryarchaeota in Scots Pine Mycorrhizospheres and Boreal Forest Humus
Microbial ecology

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Enhancing methane production during the anaerobic digestion of crude glycerol using Japanese cedar charcoal
Bioresource technology

Magnoliophyta (11)   
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Microbial community structure and dynamics during anaerobic digestion of various agricultural waste materials
Applied microbiology and biotechnology

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Distribution of methanogenic potential in fractions of turf grass used as inoculum for the start-up of thermophilic anaerobic digestion
Bioresource technology

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Diversity and Community Structure of Archaea Inhabiting the Rhizoplane of Two Contrasting Plants from an Acidic Bog
Microbial ecology

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Evaluation of rumen methanogen diversity in cattle fed diets containing dry corn distillers grains and condensed tannins using PCR-DGGE and qRT-PCR analyses
Animal feed science and technology

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Methane and methanogen community dynamics across a boreal peatland nutrient gradient
Soil biology and biochemistry

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Effects of drought on the archaeal community in soil of the Zoige wetlands of the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau
European journal of soil biology

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The impact of dissolved organic carbon on the spatial variability of methanogenic archaea communities in natural wetland ecosystems across China
Applied microbiology and biotechnology.

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Identification, localization, and characterization of putative USP genes in barley
Theoretical and applied genetics

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Taxonomic and Functional Metagenomic Profiling of the Microbial Community in the Anoxic Sediment of a Sub-saline Shallow Lake (Laguna de Carrizo, Central Spain)
Microbial ecology

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Differences in the Methanogen Population Exist in Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) Fed Different Diets in China
Microbial ecology

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Effect of Inhibition of Acetoclastic Methanogenesis on Growth of Archaeal Populations in an Anoxic Model Environment
Applied and environmental microbiology