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Taxa - Plantae: Filicopsida > Filicales

6 items, grouped by Taxa - Plantae (view ungrouped items)

Lomariopsidaceae (1)   
(Click to View)
Aluminum accumulation and its relationship with mineral plant nutrients in 12 pteridophytes from Venezuela
Environmental and experimental botany

Matoniaceae (1)   
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Phylogeny and evolution of ferns (monilophytes) with a focus on the early leptosporangiate divergences
American journal of botany

Nephrolepidaceae (4)   
(Click to View)
The capacity for nitrate regulation of root hydraulic properties correlates with species' nitrate uptake rates
Plant and soil

(Click to View)
1-MCP partially alleviates dehydration-induced abscission in cut leaves of the fern Nephrolepis cordifolia
Postharvest biology and technology

(Click to View)
Characterization of phytase from three ferns with differing arsenic tolerance
Plant physiology and biochemistry

(Click to View)
Aluminum accumulation and its relationship with mineral plant nutrients in 12 pteridophytes from Venezuela
Environmental and experimental botany

Oleandraceae (1)   
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Evolution of epiphytes in Davalliaceae and related ferns
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society